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May 21, 2024

LGBTQ vote can keep far-right forces at bay in the forthcoming EP election

Michal Grahn Far-right parties are growing increasingly hostile towards LGBTQ rights. In the forthcoming European Parliament elections, such parties are expected to gain significant ground. Michal Grahn shows that non-straight voters might, through mobilisation, help keep far-right forces at bay Read more
March 25, 2024

🌊 Sweden Democrats reveal their genderphobia

Clémentine Punti The Sweden Democrats have expanded their focus from immigration and crime to issues of sex and gender. Examining their discourse against drag queen readings for children, Clémentine Punti argues that this new focus reveals the party’s genderphobic nature Read more
March 14, 2024

Domestic fossil fuel reserves help determine right-wing populist positions on green policies

Mehmet Haşim Çevik Right-wing populist parties have divergent positions on policies that seek to combat climate change. Key to understanding why, writes Mehmet Haşim Çevik, is whether the country relies on domestic fossil fuels Read more
March 13, 2024

🔮Can populists be free-traders?

Alexander Dannerhäll Radical-right parties are widely regarded as EU-sceptic and opponents of liberal immigration policies. But does this necessarily extend to free trade? Alexander Dannerhäll studies the trade policies of the right-wing Sweden Democrats. He argues that the answer may be both yes and no, depending on how we define protectionism, and which analytical perspective we adopt Read more
March 11, 2024

🔮 Varieties of antigender politics: applying a contextual lens

Susanne Reinhardt Despite their shared antigenderism, populist radical-right parties’ contestation of gender and sexual equality forms a continuum rather than being homogenous across countries. Susanne Reinhardt, Annett Heft, and Elena Pavan argue that varieties of antigenderism are best understood through a party’s societal context, ideology, and voter expectations Read more
January 16, 2024

🔮 The Sweden Democrats: no longer outsiders, but still stigmatised

Niklas Bolin Many right-wing populists are no longer considered outsiders, and are increasingly participating in or supporting governments. Yet many voters may still not perceive them as being similar to other parties. Niklas Bolin examines the enduring impact of stigmatisation, and considers how it affects the Sweden Democrats Read more
December 12, 2023

🔮 Beyond grievances: the path to populist radical-right party membership

Sofia Ammassari Sofia Ammassari argues that grievances are important in understanding why people join populist radical-right parties, but so is political efficacy – the belief that one can influence politics. We shouldn't think of members of these parties only as angry and disaffected citizens; they can be pro-active and efficacious, too Read more
April 17, 2023

🔮 We cannot ignore the populist radical-right impact on the welfare state

Juliana Chueri Juliana Chueri writes that radical right parties are transforming the welfare state, by creating a moral separation between the ‘deserving’ and the ‘undeserving’. This secures benefits to working nationals, while leaving unprotected immigrants and the long-term unemployed Read more

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