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Scottish independence referendum

November 22, 2023

Divided by sovereignty claims – territorial identity and societal polarisation

Laia Balcells Laia Balcells, Lesley-Ann Daniels, and Alexander Kuo highlight the role of contentious territorial issues in shaping societal divisions. They study three European regions —Scotland, Catalonia, and Northern Ireland — that have salient territorial claims but very different histories. All three, however, exhibit striking similarities in levels of social polarisation Read more
March 28, 2023

Is the SNP a vanguard for Scottish independence?

Ruairidh Brown The current crisis around the Scottish National Party leadership centres on the party's position as a vanguard for Scottish independence, writes Ruairidh Brown. It could subsequently mark a watershed moment in the independence movement Read more
July 27, 2022

Conservative leadership hopefuls should listen to Hobbes regarding Scotland

Ruairidh Brown Despite often being regarded as a blueprint for authoritarianism, Thomas Hobbes’ Leviathan gives prudent advice on the limitations of sovereign power. Ruairidh Brown argues this serves as a timely warning for the next Conservative leader on their approach to Scottish politics Read more
June 22, 2022

Westminster has a moral obligation to allow a second Scottish independence referendum

Ruairidh Brown The first obstacle in holding an Independence Referendum is assuring its legitimacy. To do so, says Ruairidh Brown, the SNP-Green alliance have implied the UK Government has no moral authority to deny Scots a choice on their future Read more
August 3, 2021

Will Brexit break up the United Kingdom?

Michael Keating The United Kingdom has left the European Union in order to restore its national sovereignty. Yet the cost may be the break up of the UK itself, writes Michael Keating Read more
June 2, 2021

What is at stake in the Scottish National Party’s request for a second referendum

Ruairidh Brown The Kenmure Street protest in Glasgow raises crucial issues concerning political obligation in Scotland, writes Ruairidh Brown. This should serve as a warning to Westminster about the potential dangers of denying a second independence referendum Read more
April 12, 2021

Disputes over the BBC’s relationship with the Union Flag risk upsetting a delicate equilibrium between ‘truth’ and ‘power’

Ruairidh Brown Too close an association between the BBC and the Union flag will damage the former’s claims to objectivity, writes Ruairidh Brown. It comes at a time when the impartiality of the service is increasingly challenged – at home and abroad Read more
October 1, 2020

Voting once or voting twice? The case for double referendums

Richard Rose Many referendums concern a decision in principle from which must follow a detailed implementation plan. In such cases, argues Richard Rose, good democratic practice demands a second referendum giving voters the option to change their mind Read more

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