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populist parties

June 11, 2024

🔮 School and hospital closures increase support for right-wing populist parties

Niels Nyholt Niels Nyholt argues that voters’ everyday experiences with political decisions can substantiate populist parties' anti-elitist arguments. When mainstream politicians accommodate changes in settlement patterns by merging schools and hospitals, some communities are left without nearby services. Here, right-wing populist parties offer an electoral outlet for residents feeling left behind Read more
May 16, 2024

🔮 Do European left-wing populists in government become more moderate?

Jan Philipp Thomeczek Jan Philipp Thomeczek argues that European left-wing populist parties become more moderate as a consequence of their participation in government. Here, he draws on recent examples from Spain, Greece and Germany. Read more
March 11, 2024

🔮 Varieties of antigender politics: applying a contextual lens

Susanne Reinhardt Despite their shared antigenderism, populist radical-right parties’ contestation of gender and sexual equality forms a continuum rather than being homogenous across countries. Susanne Reinhardt, Annett Heft, and Elena Pavan argue that varieties of antigenderism are best understood through a party’s societal context, ideology, and voter expectations Read more
February 5, 2024

Mainstream parties adopting far-right rhetoric simply increases votes for far-right parties

Antonia May The rise of right-wing populist parties in Europe led some mainstream parties to attempt to regain voters' support by adopting pro-nationalist and anti-immigrant rhetoric. However, new research by Antonia May and Christian Czymara suggests that this strategy unintentionally benefits far-right parties and not the political mainstream Read more
January 16, 2024

🔮 The Sweden Democrats: no longer outsiders, but still stigmatised

Niklas Bolin Many right-wing populists are no longer considered outsiders, and are increasingly participating in or supporting governments. Yet many voters may still not perceive them as being similar to other parties. Niklas Bolin examines the enduring impact of stigmatisation, and considers how it affects the Sweden Democrats Read more
November 2, 2023

🔮 Populist radical-right parties are threatening international cooperation

Motoshi Suzuki Populist radical-right (PRR) parties use rhetorical and coalitional strategies to proclaim and advance issue ownership over immigration. In government coalitions, they act strategically to upgrade their ownership and weaken constitutional arrangements. If successful, argues Motoshi Suzuki, these parties threaten liberal democracy and international cooperation Read more

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