Shivdeep Grewal
Feelings are relevant to the study of democracy. Yet they prove difficult to encapsulate. Delving into the worlds of Michel Houellebecq, Jürgen Habermas and Emmanuel Macron, Shivdeep Grewal suggests an ‘experiential’ approach Read more
Paola Pierri
Social media has lured us all into a 'popularity trap'. We thought we were transforming democracy, but we are not. Paola Pierri makes the case for a politics of presence in the digital age. This, she argues, needs to advance the visibility of marginalised identities, not their popularity From popularity to visibility In our digital […] Read more
Zheng Guo
Single people are seldom recognised as a political force in intersectional struggles. Zheng Guo argues that, around the world, single people are a rising body who face widespread discrimination. Supporting single people's political struggles offers lessons in resistance and the intersectional pursuit of democracy Read more
Dimitra Mareta
'Democracy is in crisis'. We have heard this claim since the 1930s, and new terms regularly surface to describe democracy’s transformations through crisis. Of these terms, argues Dimitra Mareta, post-democracy and authoritarian neo/liberalism are the most challenging. While they describe either a strong or weak state, neither term captures the implications for the people living under such regimes Read more
Dani Filc
Are populist movements necessarily left or right? Dani Filc argues that populism is too complex a phenomenon to easily fit easily into the conventional political dimensions of left and right Read more
Alexander Langenkamp
Alexander Langenkamp and Simon Bienstman argue that populist parties appeal strongly to citizens who feel vulnerable and discontented in ways that may be more than just political. This is an important explanatory factor of the electoral success of populist parties as a symptom of 'protest at the ballot box' Read more
Christian F. Rostbøll
We often hear that populist parties offer recognition and make people feel better about themselves. This sounds very innocent. So why does populism often turn into a threat to a pluralist and respectful democracy? Christian F. Rostbøll argues that it is exactly because of the way populism recognises the people Read more
Vladimir Bortun
Some of the most successful radical left parties of the past decade are not really radical, argues Vladimir Bortun. These parties do not display the anti-capitalism that defines the radical left, but rather a socio-economic agenda akin to post-WWII social democracy. Labelling this neo-reformist left 'radical' is deeply problematic, conceptually and politically Read more