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June 14, 2024

Fresh evidence of how news media set the agenda on immigration

João Miguel de Carvalho The media is not a neutral actor in immigration debates. It shapes how much we think about immigration but not our positions towards it, write João Carvalho, Mariana Carmo Duarte and Didier Ruedin Read more
June 9, 2023

â™Ÿï¸ Authoritarianism and disinformation: the dangerous link

Nikolina Klatt Where there is authoritarianism, there is disinformation. Nikolina Klatt and Vanessa Boese-Schlosser examine the use of disinformation in authoritarian governance and highlight how autocrats use it to maintain their grip on power. But they also caution that disinformation is not exclusive to autocratic governance: spreading deceitful narratives harms democracies Autocratic disinformation tactics Limiting transparency is […] Read more
October 12, 2022

🌊 Resisting autocratisation

Luca Manucci We have, in the intellectual world, spent much time trying to understand populism, fascism, illiberalism and the processes of autocratisation. Now, argues Luca Manucci, it is time to debate and establish the best strategies to fight against these tendencies and establish democratic resilience Read more
December 2, 2021

The media chooses who has won (and lost) an election – and it's not just based on objective electoral performance

Katjana Gattermann Media reports on elections often refer to the 'winners' and 'losers'. Yet, especially in multi-party systems, there is often more than one way to interpret election results. How the media frames election results does not depend only on parties’ objective performance, write Katjana Gattermann, Thomas M. Meyer and Katharina Wurzer. It also depends on also on party ideology Read more
May 12, 2021

How dictatorships manage their image

Alexander Dukalskis Authoritarian states deliberately use a number of tools to manage their image internationally, writes Alexander Dukalskis. Creating positive news, distracting and silencing critique, and shaping elite opinion help make the world safer for dictatorships Read more
March 25, 2021

Volodymyr Zelensky has upped the ante in his fight against pro-Russian propaganda. But is his latest move a miscalculation?

Kiryl Kascian In February 2021, Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelensky banned three TV channels branded pro-Russian propaganda. Sanctions and criminal charges against politicians and public figures followed. But these measures, argues Kiryl Kascian, cannot help Ukraine's counter-Russian strategy Read more

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Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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