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February 14, 2024

Nordic and Baltic elites surprisingly like-minded in face of recent border crises

Stefano Braghiroli Traditionally, Nordic and Baltic elites hold divergent views on migration. Despite this, they have presented a united front in their response to recent border crises with Belarus and Russia, write Stefano Braghiroli and Sandra Hagelin Read more
April 27, 2021

Belarus-Poland relations: minorities caught in-between

Hanna Vasilevich Diplomatic tensions between Poland and Belarus intensified throughout March 2021. In response, Belarusian authorities initiated repressive legislation targeting civil society and protestors. But in so doing, they also affected national minorities in Belarus, writes Hanna Vasilevich Read more
November 17, 2020

Belarus is in an unprecedented political crisis with no resolution in sight

Hanna Vasilevich In August 2020, following a hotly disputed presidential election, Aliaksandr Lukashenko was declared President of Belarus. Since then, the country has experienced relentless street protests against electoral fraud, writes Hanna Vasilevich Read more

The Loop

Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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