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left-wing populism

May 16, 2024

🔮 Do European left-wing populists in government become more moderate?

Jan Philipp Thomeczek Jan Philipp Thomeczek argues that European left-wing populist parties become more moderate as a consequence of their participation in government. Here, he draws on recent examples from Spain, Greece and Germany. Read more
April 10, 2024

🔮 The emotional core of left- and right-wing populism

Donatella Bonansinga Is populism ‘emotional’ and mainstream politics ‘rational’? Donatella Bonansinga argues that the divide between rationality and emotionality is rooted in cultural misperceptions, and all politics can be ‘emotional’. Populism is peculiarly emotional, because it taps in to very specific affective states, with key differences between left and right Read more
November 14, 2023

Is Germany going authoritarian-left?

Flora Baumgartner Left-wing German politician Sahra Wagenknecht is launching a new party, Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht – für Vernunft und Gerechtigkeit (– for Reason and Justice). With its likely ‘left-authoritarian’ agenda, BSW looks poised to shake up the German system. Flora Baumgartner analyses the party's profile, support base and prospects, placing it in the context of broader European developments Read more
October 10, 2023

🔮 The deep divisions in left-wing populism in Germany

Jan Philipp Thomeczek The Left (Die Linke) in Germany is one of the most established left-wing populist parties in Europe. But it may soon experience a split, Jan Philipp Thomeczek argues, as Sahra Wagenknecht may form her own party. He places this within the German historical context, and within that of populist movements more broadly Read more
September 6, 2023

🔮 Populism: left or right?

Dani Filc Are populist movements necessarily left or right? Dani Filc argues that populism is too complex a phenomenon to easily fit easily into the conventional political dimensions of left and right Read more
September 4, 2023

Right-wing populism reaches Argentina

Demian Iglesias Seifert Javier Milei's victory in the primary elections is a sign that Argentina, previously a bastion of left-wing populism, is joining the global trend of right-wing populism. Argentina, writes Demian Iglesias Seifert, is now following the patterns we see in Brazil and El Salvador. Strong support from young men catapulted the La Libertad Avanza leader to first place in the primaries Read more
June 8, 2023

🔮 Not everyone can be a populist: the ideological boundaries of populism

Stijn van Kessel Mattia Zulianello and Petra Guasti are right to point out that populism is too often conflated with nativist politics or seen as a feature of radical left and right-wing parties only. Nonetheless, Stijn van Kessel argues that populism is not equally compatible with any host ideology Read more
March 23, 2023

🌈 Left-wing populism, democratic erosion, and patriarchy

Jennifer M. Piscopo Scholars and journalists tend to focus on the misogyny of right-wing autocrats. But Jennifer Piscopo argues that we shouldn't overlook the patriarchal attitudes of left-wing populists. They may not directly attack women and gender minorities, but they also roll back gender equality gains Read more

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