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June 4, 2024

How real is the threat of the populist far right in the European Parliament elections?

James F. Downes James F. Downes argues that elections to the European Parliament will likely lead to record representation for populist far-right parties. Lack of unity and ideological divisions, however, will make it difficult for the far right to wield any real power Read more
April 29, 2024

China’s Belt and Road Initiative: re-evaluating the economic impact

James F. Downes James F. Downes and Mathew Wong re-evaluate the impact of the Belt and Road Initiative by examining important macroeconomic linkages between China and other economies. Combining statistical analyses of 163 countries, alongside EU case studies , they find that the economic impact of the BRI is limited, and determined largely by pre-BRI economic factors Read more
March 8, 2024

♀️ Fewer women than men in parties’ youth wings want to run for office

Sofia Ammassari Youth wings of political parties are a key part of the pipeline to power. However, among their members, fewer women than men would consider running for public office. According to Sofia Ammassari, if we want to redress women’s underrepresentation in parliaments, youth wings are a good place to start Read more
February 14, 2024

🔮 Populism and the public sector in Italy

Anna Longhini Anna Longhini argues that in the relationship between citizens and bureaucrats, we find the seeds of populist ideology, which characterises the former as the 'pure people' and the latter as the 'corrupt elite'. Italy is a useful case in point. There, attempts to reform the public sector have failed to stem the spread of populist ideology Read more
November 23, 2023

🔮 The technopopulist loop and conflicts of sovereignty in the EU

Emilija Tudzarovska The EU economic crisis revealed a clash between the EU and national authorities. This clash is, however, only one part of the story. Events in Greece, Italy, Bulgaria and Slovenia, writes Emilija Tudzarovska, also revealed a crisis of party politics. This crisis has triggered appeals to populism and technocracy – technopopulism – which weakens yet further the institutionalisation of politics Read more
October 10, 2023

Gender (in)equality in socioeconomic participation at substate levels in Italy and Spain

Alexandra Tomaselli Substate laws and policies may play a key role in promoting or hindering the socioeconomic participation of those who face intersectional discrimination. Alexandra Tomaselli examines how women and LGBTQIA+ individuals cope with their access to work, education, and services in South Tyrol and Catalonia Read more
August 1, 2023

Citizen participation and social protest in transnational megaprojects

Mattia Bottino Participatory governance in megaprojects is intended to involve citizens in the decision-making processes and tackle their disaffection towards institutions. Mattia Bottino analyses the ‘proximity strategy’ used to realise the Brenner Basistunnel between Italy and Austria and contrasts it with the NO TAV experience in Italy’s Susa Valley Read more
July 25, 2023

Sovereignist claims in France and Italy

Luca Carrieri ‘Sovereignism’ has been characterised as a product of globalisation and Europeanisation, presumably as an (over)reaction to the perceived negative consequences of both. Luca Carrieri and Nicolò Conti's research shows that party supply on sovereignism has been strongly influenced by public demand Read more

The Loop

Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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Advancing Political Science
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