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July 10, 2024

⛓️ ‘The case for neutrality as academic freedom’: a response

Adam Standring Political neutrality in the face of injustice serves to maintain the status quo. Responding to Hana Kubátová’s blog piece, Adam Standring underlines the moral necessity of organisations like ECPR taking a strong political stance in the face of violence in Palestine and a crackdown on critical voices in the West Read more
July 9, 2024

What aspects of political representation matter to citizens?

Liron Lavi Liron Lavi and Clareta Treger argue that citizens hold a multi-dimensional perception of political representation. Using Israel as a case study, they find that citizens feel represented on dimensions that are not important to them, and also on dimensions that reflect their satisfaction with democracy Read more
July 1, 2024

⛓️ Edward Said’s vision of a free university 

Markus Holdo Edward Said reminded us that the history of higher education belongs to everyone and that its future depends on the imagination of teachers and students. Markus Holdo asks whether we can seize this critical moment and explore what it means to practice the utopian ideal of a free university Read more
May 22, 2024

⛓️ What is political science for? A comment on ECPR’s silence over Gaza

Vladimir Bortun Last month, a group of scholars submitted an open letter to ECPR's Executive Committee, calling upon it to condemn the Israeli military campaign in Gaza. ECPR declined. This, says Vladimir Bortun, was a missed opportunity. Here, he argues that the political science community should use the catastrophe in Gaza to open up debate about the mission of ECPR – and about the very purpose of political science Read more
May 1, 2024

Soft power and India’s changing approach to Israel under Modi

Lakshmy Ramakrishnan Earlier this year, construction workers from India began arriving in Israel to mitigate the country's labour shortage. The number of Indian migrant workers in Israel now looks set to reach 6,000. While this does help reduce India's unemployment rate, Lakshmy Ramakrishnan argues we should also see it as an exercise in soft power by the Modi government Read more
November 16, 2023

Instagram influencers: shaping discourse on the Israel-Gaza conflict

Jonathan Klüser Amid the current Israel-Gaza conflict, social media influencers – previously apolitical players – are crafting persuasive narratives. Their posts may be limited in number, but their influence can be signficiant. We should remain vigilant to their effects, writes K. Jonathan Klüser Read more
May 24, 2023

⛓️ Academic freedom and the anti-Israeli BDS movement

Raphael Cohen-Almagor Raphael Cohen-Almagor looks at the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaign to boycott Israeli academics and ban Israel tout court. He argues that there is no justification for any academic organisation to do this. Any such decision would be unjust, unfair, and counter-productive Read more
May 22, 2023

⛓️ Why we must resist illiberalism’s attacks on higher education

Andrea Pető Andrea Pető is a gender scholar formerly based at Central European University in Budapest. Following crackdowns on gender studies by Viktor Orbán's government in Hungary, her institution has been forced into exile in Vienna. Here, Andrea breaks down illiberal leaders' specific strategies to undermine academic freedom, and offers suggestions for how academics, and citizens, can resist illiberal attacks on higher education Read more

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