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May 3, 2024

🌊 Czech coat and Slovak cassock in illiberal movements

Natália Noskovičová Two nations, one name, divergent paths: Natália Noskovičová delves into the illiberal mobilisations of the Czech and Slovak Alliances for Family and National Marches for Life. Here, she navigates the religious and secular strategies of anti-gender movements in the heart of Europe Read more
April 8, 2024

🌊 How illiberalism threatens the urban freedoms of women and marginalised groups

Cătălina Frâncu In recent decades, real progress has been made to inclusivity in urban policies and in access to urban spaces. Cătălina Frâncu warns these gains are now under threat. Here, she explores the impact of illiberalism on the exclusion of women and marginalised groups from urban public spaces Read more
April 2, 2024

🌊 How Hungary’s so-called child protection referendum was invalidated through a grassroots campaign

Dóra Oprics Dóra Oprics explores the 2X civil society campaign in Hungary in 2022, which resulted in 1.7 million Hungarians successfully invalidating an exclusionary child protection referendum. The outcome reveals insights into the mobilising powers of grassroots activism against attempts to demonise the LGBTQIA+ community Read more
March 20, 2024

🌊 Buying women's votes through welfare in Turkey

Bengisu Savran Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's authoritarian AKP has governed Turkey for more than twenty years. The regime has consistently rolled back gender rights. Despite this, many women continue to vote for it. Why? Bengisu Savran suggests clientelism and welfare benefits may provide the answer Read more
January 26, 2024

🌊 Understanding the illiberal challenge in Europe

Gianfranco Baldini To understand the illiberal challenge to liberal democracy, write Gianfranco Baldini and Hugo Canihac, we need to consider three dimensions: how illiberalism emerged as a challenge in and from liberal societies, how populists implement illiberal practices, and how liberal institutions respond to the challenge raised by illiberals Read more
September 29, 2023

🔮 Three myths about populism in international relations

Angelos Chryssogelos When thinking about populism in world politics, much mainstream opinion sticks to a stereotypical view of populism as a uniform phenomenon that poses a mortal threat to the international order. Angelos Chryssogelos argues that its relationship with foreign policy and the international order is much more nuanced Read more
July 17, 2023

🔮 Populist governments as a threat from within the state

Michael Bauer Populists have risen to executive office worldwide. In this context, Michael W. Bauer argues, we must pay more systematic attention to threats to the state and its institutions; the potential long-term impacts of the damage that populist governments can inflict 'from within' are potentially devastating Read more
June 22, 2023

🔮 Going beyond the Eurocentrism of populism research: lessons from the Philippines

Adele Webb Is the concept of populism a help or a hindrance in understanding complex political dynamics in the Global South? Adele Webb draws on the case of the Philippines to challenge Eurocentric and historically truncated views of populism. Here, she calls for more contextualised readings of populism’s manifestations outside the West Read more

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