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far-right parties

June 4, 2024

How real is the threat of the populist far right in the European Parliament elections?

James F. Downes James F. Downes argues that elections to the European Parliament will likely lead to record representation for populist far-right parties. Lack of unity and ideological divisions, however, will make it difficult for the far right to wield any real power Read more
May 21, 2024

LGBTQ vote can keep far-right forces at bay in the forthcoming EP election

Michal Grahn Far-right parties are growing increasingly hostile towards LGBTQ rights. In the forthcoming European Parliament elections, such parties are expected to gain significant ground. Michal Grahn shows that non-straight voters might, through mobilisation, help keep far-right forces at bay Read more
April 10, 2024

🔮 The emotional core of left- and right-wing populism

Donatella Bonansinga Is populism ‘emotional’ and mainstream politics ‘rational’? Donatella Bonansinga argues that the divide between rationality and emotionality is rooted in cultural misperceptions, and all politics can be ‘emotional’. Populism is peculiarly emotional, because it taps in to very specific affective states, with key differences between left and right Read more
April 3, 2024

Portugal’s political crisis and the rise of radical-right Chega

Diogo Vieira Ferreira The radical-right Chega party enjoyed a sharp rise in support during Portugal's recent parliamentary elections. With European elections coming up in June, Diogo Vieira Ferreira warns that support for Chega is likely to grow yet further Read more
March 19, 2024

🔮 It’s time for a ‘material turn’ in populism studies

Vladimir Bortun Researchers have made significant advances over the past decade in making sense of right-wing populism. However, as this party family continues to win elections, scholars need to pay more attention to the class forces and material interests it represents, writes Vladimir Bortun Read more
February 21, 2024

🔮 Populism research demands more nuance: enter tribalism

Ilana Hartikainen Tribalism has emerged as a key term in political discussions — often used, but not clearly defined. Ilana Hartikainen and Zea Szebeni propose reconceptualising ‘tribalism’ to differentiate forms of political mobilisation. Tribalism, they argue, forms exclusive groups around shared values — and it’s gone global Read more
February 5, 2024

Mainstream parties adopting far-right rhetoric simply increases votes for far-right parties

Antonia May The rise of right-wing populist parties in Europe led some mainstream parties to attempt to regain voters' support by adopting pro-nationalist and anti-immigrant rhetoric. However, new research by Antonia May and Christian Czymara suggests that this strategy unintentionally benefits far-right parties and not the political mainstream Read more
November 28, 2023

The far right is endangering Romania’s role as a strategic partner in Eastern Europe

Ivo Kesler Ivo Kesler argues that Romania’s emerging role as a strategic asset in Eastern Europe will be compromised if the far-right party AUR wins the next parliamentary elections. Romania's role as Moldova’s most important supporter and promoter could come to an end Read more

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