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October 13, 2023

🔮 Populists and the press: a toxic relationship

Giulia Sbaraini Fontes Populists threaten press freedom and, frequently, democracy itself. Giulia Sbaraini Fontes suggests that while news outlets may have a toxic relationship with these politicians, they also harvest immediate commercial benefits themselves, and jeopardise journalism’s credibility and legitimacy Read more
June 9, 2023

â™Ÿï¸ Authoritarianism and disinformation: the dangerous link

Nikolina Klatt Where there is authoritarianism, there is disinformation. Nikolina Klatt and Vanessa Boese-Schlosser examine the use of disinformation in authoritarian governance and highlight how autocrats use it to maintain their grip on power. But they also caution that disinformation is not exclusive to autocratic governance: spreading deceitful narratives harms democracies Autocratic disinformation tactics Limiting transparency is […] Read more
June 2, 2022

Alexei Navalny and the campaign of disinformation conducted by Russia Today

Christoph Deppe Disinformation affects democratic systems and lowers the deliberative quality of our society. Analysing press coverage of the poisoning of Alexei Navalny, Christoph Deppe and Gary S. Schaal reveal that Russia Today journalists instrumentalise democratic institutions – including German government press conferences – in their favour Read more

The Loop

Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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