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November 23, 2023

🔮 The technopopulist loop and conflicts of sovereignty in the EU

Emilija Tudzarovska The EU economic crisis revealed a clash between the EU and national authorities. This clash is, however, only one part of the story. Events in Greece, Italy, Bulgaria and Slovenia, writes Emilija Tudzarovska, also revealed a crisis of party politics. This crisis has triggered appeals to populism and technocracy – technopopulism – which weakens yet further the institutionalisation of politics Read more
November 8, 2023

Prospects for a Mercosur-EU Association Agreement grow dimmer

Juan Cruz Díaz Long-running negotiations between the European Union and Mercosur, aimed at forming an Association Agreement and liberalising trade, have faced numerous hurdles. As the December deadline for signature approaches, doubts loom over the pact’s future, write Juan Cruz Díaz and Carlos José Cruz Infante Read more
October 2, 2023

A tale of ‘Eurowhiteness’

Jaap Hoeksma The recent publication of Eurowhiteness adds to various critiques of the EU. In this context, Jaap Hoeksma reminds us that we should not overlook the EU’s merits and its ongoing democratic trajectory. The EU, he argues, embodies the most significant innovation of the Modern States System since the Middle Ages Read more
September 29, 2023

Brexit and the 'Merkel myth'

Karl Pike When it came to Brexit, many British political actors placed far too much weight on Germany and its former Chancellor. Karl Pike and Tim Bale explore what they call the ‘Merkel myth’ and how it affected the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union Read more
August 30, 2023

Polarisation on the rise: European gender and migrant inclusion compared

Markus Thiel The inclusion of social minorities is contingent on civic activism and government policies that become more polarised as well as volatile in times of crises. Markus Thiel, Ernesto Fiocchetto and Jeffrey Maslanik delve into the state of inclusion policies throughout Europe Read more
August 29, 2023

European space policy and the EU’s ‘Outermost Regions’

Diogo Vieira Ferreira Space technology sees increased use in warfare. This has generated great concern for the European Union’s capacity to maintain a stable space policy. Diogo Vieira Ferreira argues that the effective development of European space policy requires the participation and input of the so-called ‘Outermost Regions’ as strategic actors Read more
July 27, 2023

Peripheral parties hold the key in the aftermath of the Spanish elections

Sonia Alonso Sáenz de Oger After Spain’s parliamentary elections on Sunday, the national right parties won more seats, but the left parties have a better chance of governing. Sonia Alonso and Bonnie N. Field examine the territorial and national identity divisions that will make or break governance Read more
July 24, 2023

The 2023 elections mark the end of the financial crisis era in Greece

Alexandros Kyriakidis Alexandros Kyriakidis argues that the era of political and financial crisis in Greece that spanned a decade seems to be coming to a close with the recent elections. This is demonstrated most vividly by the decline of SYRIZA, the party most closely associated with the anti-financial programme agenda Read more

The Loop

Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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