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June 21, 2023

Do referendum voters vote according to their beliefs?

Matthew E Bergman What motivates people in referendum voting? Advocates argue that they allow voters to express their sincere preferences on issues. Matthew Bergman and Gianluca Passarelli look at the Italian case. They argue that voting in referenda can be just as party-focused as other forms of elections Read more
June 14, 2023

Greek election outcome: towards a new disorder

Susannah Verney The Greek election of May 2023 produced an unexpected destabilisation of the party system, and triggered a repeat election to be held five weeks later. Susannah Verney argues that the poll was variously viewed by voters as a second order election and a ‘system-defining’ choice Read more
May 19, 2023

How technology saved Nigeria's electoral integrity

Muhammad Edita Since 2015, technology has helped consolidate Nigerian democracy by ensuring transparency and fairness in elections. Yet, writes Muhammad Edita, in Nigeria's most recent elections, the malfunctioning or manipulation of technology has – paradoxically – led to defeated parties challenging electoral results Read more
May 8, 2023

Electoral reform is not a panacea to Zimbabwe’s democratic deficit

Gift Mwonzora Are electoral reforms the answer to a country's democratic deficit? Gift Mwonzora writes that elections should not be reduced to a mere ritualistic exercise. In Zimbabwe, only genuine political, legal, governance and administrative reforms will bring democratic success. Yet while electoral reforms are essential for credible elections, they are not the sole remedy for a competitive authoritarian regime's democratic deficits Read more
April 21, 2023

Bulgaria’s political impasse

Ildiko Otova Bulgaria has just held its fifth national election in two years. As in the previous four, there was no clear winner. The small lead for Citizens for the European Development of Bulgaria (GERB-SDS) resolves nothing. Indeed, argues Ildiko Otova, it probably renders political stability even more difficult to secure Read more
January 20, 2023

The roots of political conflict in Peru

Alicia del Aguila As the political crisis in Peru worsens, Alicia del Aguila explores its roots. Key to understanding it are the political polarisation of recent years, tension between the Central and Southern Andes, and the historical marginalisation of indigenous people Read more
November 8, 2022

Why Meloni’s victory in the Italian election was no surprise

Dario Mazzola By the time Italians went to the polls in September, the victory of Giorgia Meloni’s Brothers of Italy party was a foregone conclusion. Dario Mazzola articulates the factors that led to the formation of the most right-wing government in the history of the Italian Republic Read more
November 3, 2022

Italy’s changing international outlook under Meloni

Massimo D'Angelo On 21 October 2022, Giorgia Meloni became the first female Italian Prime Minister. She is also the head of the most right-wing government in the history of the Republic. Massimo D’Angelo explores the implications for Italy’s foreign policy and European outlook, as well as the lure of authoritarianism in some European governments Read more

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