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July 8, 2024

🔮 Anti-systemic populism during the Covid-19 pandemic

Frederik Henriksen Frederik Henriksen analyses anti-systemic, populist movements during the Covid-19 pandemic. Here, he explains how these movements rely on alternative news media to establish their own digital information bubbles, and shows how ideological partisanship evolved in these environments Read more
June 11, 2024

🔮 School and hospital closures increase support for right-wing populist parties

Niels Nyholt Niels Nyholt argues that voters’ everyday experiences with political decisions can substantiate populist parties' anti-elitist arguments. When mainstream politicians accommodate changes in settlement patterns by merging schools and hospitals, some communities are left without nearby services. Here, right-wing populist parties offer an electoral outlet for residents feeling left behind Read more
February 14, 2024

Nordic and Baltic elites surprisingly like-minded in face of recent border crises

Stefano Braghiroli Traditionally, Nordic and Baltic elites hold divergent views on migration. Despite this, they have presented a united front in their response to recent border crises with Belarus and Russia, write Stefano Braghiroli and Sandra Hagelin Read more
January 11, 2024

Denmark has banned the burning of holy books to protect its multicultural society

Azher Hameed Qamar Denmark recently adopted a law to ban inappropriate treatment of any writing or object with religious significance – a peace initiative in the best interests of a multicultural society. Azher Hameed Qamar sees this law as a step towards freedom of expression that will also help bridge social divides Read more
May 9, 2022

Externalising refugee protection: less a vision than a mirage

Frowin Rausis The UK’s ‘New Plan for Immigration’ allows the government to send asylum seekers to Rwanda, reflecting the latest aspiration to externalise refugee protection. Frowin Rausis and Konstantin Kreibich show that the idea is not new. Different countries have toyed with it for years – and failed consistently Read more
March 22, 2022

Can political trust be rebuilt?

Viktor Orri Valgarðsson Citizens across the world appear to be losing faith in politics and governments’ ability to solve society’s problems, but can their faith be reclaimed? Viktor Orri Valgarðsson suggests that what may be needed is a new trust settlement – one of critical trust, which must be earned Read more
March 16, 2022

How opposition parties can challenge government dominance in parliamentary democracies

Thomas König Thomas König, Nick Lin, and Thiago N. Silva argue that opposition can challenge government agenda dominance in parliaments through the control of committee chairs. This also impacts how coalition partners manage governance. Read more

The Loop

Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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