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civil war

March 19, 2025

Why Syrian refugees are unlikely to return home

Ãœmit Seven Syrian refugees face multiple challenges in returning to their homeland. The threat of violence may have ended, but the destruction of infrastructure, along with social and economic instability, make return unlikely. Ãœmit Seven shows how prolonged displacement has led many Syrians to rebuild their lives elsewhere. Many, he argues, have created a 'pragmatic home' in host countries Read more
November 5, 2024

Apologies, forgiveness, and the peace-agreement divide in Colombia

Lisa Strömbom Lisa Strömbom and Gustav Agneman study the reintegration of former combatants in Colombia. Their research highlights the challenges of delivering apologies and achieving sustained peace in post-conflict contexts. Here, the authors reveal how people from different sides of Colombia's peace agreement divide react to public apologies, highlighting the challenge of achieving lasting peace. Read more
May 14, 2024

Why communal conflict should be viewed as a wartime phenomenon

Claudia Wiehler Violent local conflicts over land and resources are taking place almost exclusively in civil war-affected societies. Claudia Wiehler and Sebastian van Baalen argue that analysts and peacebuilding practitioners therefore need to involve civil war parties in communal conflict management and resolution — and view them as potential conflict management parties. Read more
August 10, 2021

Holding elections in Libya is not a solution to the country’s deep-seated problems

Hager Ali Only a few months remain before elections in Libya. But Western policymakers are focusing on election preparations and the withdrawal of foreign mercenaries, to the neglect of other pressing matters. Hager Ali argues that unless Libya tackles its political and military problems, elections may prove little more than a sticking plaster on a bullet wound Read more
January 5, 2021

The Kurds defeated Islamic State – now Turkey wants to end their success story 

Dastan Jasim We owe much to the Kurds for the defeat of Islamic State, even if the fight still goes on. Yet, writes Dastan Jasim, the rise of Turkey as an unpredictable military power threatens post-conflict reconstruction – and Syria’s democratic future Read more

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Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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