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June 26, 2024

Bulgarian national election produces an (un)expected outcome

Dragomir Stoyanov Bulgarians recently went to the polls for the sixth time in three years to try and resolve an ongoing political crisis, writes Dragomir Stoyanov. The surprising results suggest a return to government made up of status quo parties and a likely end to any prospects of political reform. Read more
June 26, 2024

Bulgaria’s political turbulence continues. But is this protest democracy or 'stabilitocracy'?

Ivaylo Dinev On Sunday 9 June 2024, Bulgaria went to the polls for the sixth parliamentary elections in three years. Bulgaria's political crisis, however, is far from over, writes Ivaylo Dinev Read more
November 23, 2023

🔮 The technopopulist loop and conflicts of sovereignty in the EU

Emilija Tudzarovska The EU economic crisis revealed a clash between the EU and national authorities. This clash is, however, only one part of the story. Events in Greece, Italy, Bulgaria and Slovenia, writes Emilija Tudzarovska, also revealed a crisis of party politics. This crisis has triggered appeals to populism and technocracy – technopopulism – which weakens yet further the institutionalisation of politics Read more
August 22, 2023

Are repeat elections in Bulgaria a sign of democratic health or weakness?

George Kordas George Kordas argues that repeat elections can benefit democracy if democratic mechanisms function effectively, giving voice to people frustrated with the current system. But when, as in Bulgaria, elections produce paralysis, and old powers continue in office, this compromises citizens’ belief in democracy Read more
May 22, 2023

State-sponsored Holocaust distortion in Bulgaria

Ildiko Otova Bulgaria recently celebrated the 80th anniversary of the State rescuing 48,000 Jews from deportation and death in Nazi concentration camps. On the surface, this reads like a nation-affirming narrative. But Ildiko Otova argues that the celebrations were merely another attempt to construct a mythology of Holocaust denial Read more
April 21, 2023

Bulgaria’s political impasse

Ildiko Otova Bulgaria has just held its fifth national election in two years. As in the previous four, there was no clear winner. The small lead for Citizens for the European Development of Bulgaria (GERB-SDS) resolves nothing. Indeed, argues Ildiko Otova, it probably renders political stability even more difficult to secure Read more
April 14, 2023

The 2023 Bulgarian elections: back to stagnation – but for how long?

Dragomir Stoyanov In Bulgaria, the fifth parliamentary elections in the last two years were held on 2 April. These snap elections, just like their predecessors, juxtaposed parties of the status quo with reformists. This time, however, writes Dragomir Stoyanov, the status quo prevailed Read more
October 21, 2022

Bulgaria's fourth general election in 18 months promises no end to stalemate

Dragomir Stoyanov The snap Bulgarian general election of 2 October has failed to resolve the ongoing political stalemate in the country caused by polarisation between two opposing political camps. Dragomir Stoyanov writes that the new government will be characterised by instability, with the prospect of further snap elections next year Read more

The Loop

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