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Brothers of Italy

August 8, 2024

What do Italians think of the dangers of authoritarianism under Meloni? 

Antonio Campati Antonio Campati, Martino Mazzoleni, and Andrea Scavo find, based on survey evidence, that Italians do not perceive an authoritarian risk in the far-right government led by Giorgia Meloni. However, they also discover a generational difference in attitudes towards democracy that may constitute concern for the future Read more
June 4, 2024

How real is the threat of the populist far right in the European Parliament elections?

James F. Downes James F. Downes argues that elections to the European Parliament will likely lead to record representation for populist far-right parties. Lack of unity and ideological divisions, however, will make it difficult for the far right to wield any real power Read more
April 27, 2023

🔮 Brothers of Italy is not a post or neo-fascist party, but it might pose an illiberal challenge

Leonardo Puleo Labelling populist far right parties as fascist is misleading, write Leonardo Puleo and Gianluca Piccolino. Vague accusations of fascism gloss over the genuine threats the radical right poses to democracy Read more
April 17, 2023

🔮 We cannot ignore the populist radical-right impact on the welfare state

Juliana Chueri Juliana Chueri writes that radical right parties are transforming the welfare state, by creating a moral separation between the ‘deserving’ and the ‘undeserving’. This secures benefits to working nationals, while leaving unprotected immigrants and the long-term unemployed Read more
March 21, 2023

🔮 Three die-hard myths about populism

Mattia Zulianello Mattia Zulianello and Petra Guasti explore and rebut three die-hard myths about populism. This, they argue, on the one hand guards against overestimating populism as a phenomenon. On the other, it warns that we must not underestimate the political strength of the so-called populist radical right Read more
March 9, 2023

🌊 Giorgia Meloni’s ambiguity on gender rights

Laura Montecchio 'I am Giorgia, I am a woman, I am a mother'. So said Giorgia Meloni in a speech that has defined her career. Yet, write Laura Montecchio and Marianna Griffini, Meloni is far from a promoter of gender rights Read more
March 7, 2023

🌈 🌊 Rights for women and gender equality under Giorgia Meloni

Alessia Donà After the Fratelli d’Italia victory in the 2022 Italian general election, a radical-right government formed, headed by party leader Giorgia Meloni. Alessia Donà explores gender issues in FdI ideology, and the party’s alliance with the Italian anti-gender movement. She finds the Meloni government is founded on reactionary Catholic extremism Read more
November 22, 2022

The disunity of the Italian centre-left opposition on Ukraine

Valerio Alfonso Bruno Russia’s war on Ukraine has split the Italian centre-left opposition between pacifists and those arguing in favour of arming Ukraine. Disunity on how to respond to the crisis, write Valerio Alfonso Bruno, James F. Downes and Alessio Scopelliti, will likely weaken these parties and strengthen Meloni's right-wing coalition Read more

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