We've found 412 articles matching your search phrase.
August 1, 2024

The delicate diplomacy between the US and China over Taiwan

Aagya Gupta
Three Communiqués, born from Nixon's 1972 historic visit to China, continue to shape Sino-American relations and influence Taiwan's status. Aagya Gupta explains how diplomatic powerplays and agreements have sustained their relevance and shapes modern geopolitics
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July 30, 2024

🦋 A case for technical democracy

Kalervo N. Gulson
Democracy is a set of processes that create spaces for dissensus and radical equality. Greg Thompson and Kalervo N. Gulson argue that nowhere is the lack of democratic spaces more evident than in the field of technology and its impact on institutions and life
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July 29, 2024

🔮 Small homelands: populist radical right, territories and localism

Elisa Bellè
The study of the populist radical right has recently turned to localism. Elisa Bellè argues that this is related to the distinctly territorial nature of some of its recent successes.
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July 17, 2024

🎭 What can we learn from Poland’s queer capital, Poznań?

Tomasz Gola
In the EU's most homophobic country, Poznań stands out as a beacon of queer acceptance and activism. Polish native Tomasz Gola explores the ways this city has become queer-friendly, highlighting the role of local NGOs, cultural receptivity, and proactive governance in its transformation
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July 16, 2024

French elections: did Macron’s gamble pay off?

Giovanni Capoccia
In calling a snap election Emmanuel Macron aimed to achieve 'clarity' on the will of French voters after defeat of his presidential list in the European elections by Marine Le Pen's far-right Rassemblement National (RN). Giovanni Capoccia explores the wisdom of this move in light of the outcome
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July 9, 2024

What aspects of political representation matter to citizens?

Liron Lavi
Liron Lavi and Clareta Treger argue that citizens hold a multi-dimensional perception of political representation. Using Israel as a case study, they find that citizens feel represented on dimensions that are not important to them, and also on dimensions that reflect their satisfaction with democracy
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July 8, 2024

🔮 Anti-systemic populism during the Covid-19 pandemic

Frederik Henriksen
Frederik Henriksen analyses anti-systemic, populist movements during the Covid-19 pandemic. Here, he explains how these movements rely on alternative news media to establish their own digital information bubbles, and shows how ideological partisanship evolved in these environments
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July 1, 2024

⛓️ Edward Said’s vision of a free university 

Markus Holdo
Edward Said reminded us that the history of higher education belongs to everyone and that its future depends on the imagination of teachers and students. Markus Holdo asks whether we can seize this critical moment and explore what it means to practice the utopian ideal of a free university
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June 28, 2024

A voice in favour of the Hungarian EU Council presidency

Kaja Kaźmierska
As Hungary's authoritarian leader prepares to take up the EU presidency on 1 July, European Parliament leaders have been attempting to block his appointment. This, argues Kaja Kaźmierska, is not necessary. Any 'real damage' that the Hungarian presidency can do is limited. Indeed, Orbán's presidency could have a positive impact on the Hungarian people, bringing the EU closer to them.
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June 27, 2024

Von der Leyen’s rocky road to a second term as President of the European Commission 

Catherine E. De Vries
Following the European election results, Ursula von der Leyen faces a rocky road to confirmation as President of the Commission for a second term, writes Catherine E. De Vries. The key question is how she is going to be able to satisfy very different demands from the various groupings.
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The Loop

Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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