We've found 111 articles matching your search phrase.
April 17, 2023

🦋 Language, diversity, and Ralph Ellison’s 'democratic vernacular'

Nathan Pippenger
Do democracies have to choose between diversity and social cohesion? The African-American writer Ralph Ellison spent his career resisting this false choice, arguing that the idea of a 'common culture' did not have to amount to assimilation. Nathan Pippenger argues that Ellison’s distinctive perspective on these issues holds important lessons for democracies today
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April 4, 2023

🦋 Making the case for inconvenient democracy

Remi Chukwudi Okeke
Remi Chukwudi Okeke argues that democracy's adherents often jettison it for other forms of governance, like authoritarianism, when it is no longer convenient for them. Embracing an ethic of inconvenient democracy may undo this pernicious dynamic
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March 30, 2023

🦋 What do people mean when they say they support democracy – and why should we care?

Hannah Chapman
Amid concerns of declining support for democracy worldwide, recent research points to a way forward. Hannah Chapman, Margaret Hanson, Valery Dzutsati, and Paul DeBell show that how people define democracy influences their support for it
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March 24, 2023

🦋 How to create meaningful democracy in our social lives

Peter Donkor
Peter Donkor argues that the democratisation of our social lives is contingent upon a democratic political sphere. Doubling down on 'spillover theory', he urges governments to lead bolder democratisation efforts to show how ever-more democratic procedures are, indeed, preferable to authoritarian regimes and authoritarianism at home, school, work and beyond
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March 21, 2023

🦋 'Rationalising democracy': explaining a common logic

Suthan Krishnarajan
Why do people committed to democracy explicitly support undemocratic behaviour by their politicians? Suthan Krishnarajan argues that it all comes down to perception. Sometimes, politicians establish policies that attract widespread support, but they do so in an undemocratic fashion. Citizens then 'rationalise democracy' to reassure themselves that politicians are indeed acting in their best interests
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March 16, 2023

🦋 Let’s tell a more contextual story about Minben

Li-Chia Lo
Li-Chia Lo revisits Rongxin Li’s essay on the Confucian concept of Minben (people-core/root) to offer more context to the concept and to differentiate it from the Chinese concept of Minzhu (people-master). Lo argues that both concepts are different, and we should not elide them
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March 13, 2023

🦋 The merits of consultative democracy

Rongxin Li
An orthodoxy in conventional democratic theory says that voting is all that really matters. Rongxin Li challenges the prominence of electoralism and majoritarianism in representative democratic practice. He argues that consultative democracy confers far more legitimacy on a decision than voting ever can or will
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March 3, 2023

🦋 Democracy as dissent: lessons from outside the West

Nojang Khatami
There are good reasons to consider resistance a central element in any definition of democracy. Nojang Khatami invites us to look outside familiar Western experiences for resources of dissent
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February 27, 2023

🦋 Actualised democracy and the challenge of becoming the democratic citizens it needs

Fathali M. Moghaddam
Fathali M. Moghaddam puts forward a picture of 'actualised democracy' aimed at the equal participation of every person in all public decision-making. For it to succeed, today’s citizens need upskilling into 'democratic citizens'
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February 20, 2023

🦋 We must not sacrifice the essence of democracy on the altar of limitless conceptual pluralism

Anastasia Deligiaouri
Anastasia Deligiaouri argues that we should be wary of allowing incompatible concepts – such as 'illiberal democracy' – to dilute democracy’s essence. Rather, we must unravel and expunge the demons that lurk in democracies. By so doing, we will ensure this pluralism does not serve or fulfil autocratic desires
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The Loop

Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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