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February 20, 2023

Why the 'Kosovo precedent' was a gateway for Russia’s abuse of international law

Lena Surzhko-Harned The Kosovo war helped consolidate the Responsibility to Protect norm. But Lena Surzhko-Harned and Jiří Nykodým argue that it also created the 'Kosovo precedent' used to undermine international law. Russia has often exploited this narrative to justify its current war in Ukraine Read more
February 1, 2023

North Korea’s tactical shift in the Indo-Pacific

Abhishek Sharma The concept of an ‘Indo-Pacific’ region is gaining traction. More countries in and beyond the Indo-Pacific region are building closer relations—in opposition to China. Abhishek Sharma argues that North Korea sees opportunity in the region's changing power dynamics to position itself as China's ally Read more
December 1, 2022

Peace in our time in Ukraine

Albrecht Rothacher Albrecht Rothacher argues that an end to hostilities in Ukraine in the context of a Peace Plan is not unforeseeable. It is in the interest of all sides. He identifies the steps that need to be taken and the people likely to be involved Read more
November 21, 2022

War in Ukraine: are negotiations possible?

Alexandr Burilkov Faced with the successful Ukrainian counteroffensive, and with military costs mounting, the Russian elite has splintered into bickering factions. Alexandr Burilkov argues that the nationalist information space is exerting significant pressure on Putin to continue and escalate the war. This makes negotiations and a lasting ceasefire unlikely Read more
November 15, 2022

The winter of change: a breaking or breakthrough moment for the EU?

Iren Marinova The European Union is facing a multidimensional crisis that could exacerbate exiting intra-EU divisions and power asymmetries. The looming energy supply crunch, impending recession, and rising inflation could have a serious negative impact on the EU as it struggles to adapt to a changing world and region, writes Iren Marinova Read more
November 9, 2022

Putin’s nuclear weapons talk is a bluff, but one with significant consequences

Albrecht Rothacher President Putin has been clear in his intentions to use all force necessary, including nuclear weapons, to achieve his goals. This, argues Albrecht Rothacher, is a bluff, but its very use has hugely damaging consequences for international relations Read more
November 4, 2022

Sanctions on Russia: short-term survival, long-term destitution

Albrecht Rothacher Albrecht Rothacher assesses the impact of sanctions on the Russian economy. He argues that, in the short-term, sanctions will have little impact – except on the peoples of Europe whose governments are imposing them. Yet, the long-term implications for the Russian economy could be more far-reaching, if not devastating Read more
November 2, 2022

Ukraine has asked Israel for weapons support and they might, eventually, get it

Nikola Mikovic Russian drone and missile strikes on Ukrainian critical energy infrastructure have forced Kyiv to ask Israel for help. According to Nikola Mikovic, the Jewish State could eventually start providing weapons to Ukraine, although Israeli officials will unlikely publicly confirm it Read more

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