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Social Media

October 2, 2024

Why are Russians struggling to access YouTube?

Olga Vlasova In Russia, it is becoming increasingly difficult to get a reliable connection to YouTube, as the Kremlin seeks to limit access to global content. Newer platforms like the Russian Rutube offer only limited content, leaving users feeling disconnected. But is this strategy truly beneficial for the Kremlin? Olga Vlasova considers whether it might have deeper political motives. Read more
September 11, 2024

Introducing our 2023 prize winner

Kate Hawkins In 2022, The Loop inaugurated a Best Blog prize to reward a contribution of exceptional value. We have now conferred our second £500 prize on the author of a blog piece judged by our independent jury to be the best in that calendar year. Managing Editor Kate Hawkins presents the longlisted articles — and the jury reveals what gave our 2023 winner the edge. Read more
May 10, 2024

🔮 Why Italian political parties use populist rhetoric on social media

Andrea Ceron Analysing posts on Facebook and Twitter-X, Andrea Ceron, Silvia Decadri, and Fedra Negri highlight how Italian politicians use populist rhetoric to generate engagement. They find that such rhetoric does indeed increase the likelihood of posts going viral, even among non-populist voters Read more
April 11, 2024

Why do some conspiracy theories stay popular on social media?

Courtney Blackington Not all conspiracy theories that spread on social media remain popular over time. Courtney Blackington and Frances Cayton argue that conspiracy theories which map onto salient cleavages are more likely to persist and spread online. They find that elites who endorse conspiracy theories do not always attract engagement unless an event occurs that makes those conspiracy theories salient Read more
January 2, 2024

🎭 Democratic transformation through visibility, not popularity!

Paola Pierri Social media has lured us all into a 'popularity trap'. We thought we were transforming democracy, but we are not. Paola Pierri makes the case for a politics of presence in the digital age. This, she argues, needs to advance the visibility of marginalised identities, not their popularity From popularity to visibility In our digital […] Read more
November 22, 2023

🎭 Selfie activism: from cruel categories to presentist identities

Taina Meriluoto To strive towards democratic transformations, we have much to learn from marginalised activists. They espouse ‘presentist identities’ to fight the dismissive categories through which other people see them. Presentist identities do not assume a past or a future. Instead, they make us simultaneously perceivable and free, writes Taina Meriluoto Read more
November 16, 2023

Instagram influencers: shaping discourse on the Israel-Gaza conflict

Jonathan Klüser Amid the current Israel-Gaza conflict, social media influencers – previously apolitical players – are crafting persuasive narratives. Their posts may be limited in number, but their influence can be signficiant. We should remain vigilant to their effects, writes K. Jonathan Klüser Read more
August 15, 2023

Announcing The Loop’s inaugural Best Blog prize

Kate Hawkins The Loop blog site launched on 12 October 2020. In spring 2021, our team discussed establishing an annual prize for the strongest blog piece published during a calendar year. Managing Editor Kate Hawkins tells the story of the creation of our first-ever award Read more

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