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August 31, 2022

Chile's draft Constitution is for women, too

Julieta Suárez-Cao The draft of a new Magna Carta in Chile proves that a constitution of and for women is possible, writes Julieta Suárez-Cao. But uncertainty lies ahead: polls regarding the constitutional vote on September 4th indicate it could be rejected Read more
August 30, 2022

The Netherlands must bring UN Sustainable Development Goals into its political debate

Maya Bogers Can progress be made towards the Sustainable Development Goals in the Netherlands when they are largely absent from Dutch politics? Maya Bogers, Francesco Montesano, and Melanie van Driel argue that Members of Parliament who have ‘adopted’ individual goals might provide the answer. Read more
August 30, 2022

📐 Children’s rights are at risk (but there’s more to the story)

Oliver Fiala Around the world, children’s rights are at risk of abuse. But are all children (or rights) equally at risk? Oliver Fiala, Elizabeth Kaletski, and K. Anne Watson argue that more extensive and disaggregated data are vital for understanding the extent to which children’s rights are realised Read more
August 26, 2022

♟️ Military coups are key to understanding contemporary autocracies

Sebastian Elischer Many autocracies emerge through military coups, but studies of hybrid regimes and electoral autocracies largely disregard the role of militaries in their trajectory. Sebastian Elischer shows how armies consolidate their power when they take control and suggests a further research agenda Read more
August 25, 2022

The political potential of placemaking

Ryan Salzman For Ryan Salzman, placemaking is a viable form of political participation that has the potential to meet or exceed some forms of traditional participation in democratic effectiveness. It is time we recognised these contemporary alternatives to traditional political participation so that we can truly understand twenty-first century democracy Read more
August 24, 2022

The Italian elections and the threat to European integration

Giovanni Capoccia The Italian right, led by the Brothers of Italy, is likely to be in government after the September 2022 elections. Despite its public statements expressing ‘full support’ for the European integration process, Giovanni Capoccia says that there are good reasons to question the exact nature of this commitment and what it means Read more
August 24, 2022

Failures in constitutional design are at the heart of the crisis in western democracies

Timothy Hellwig Timothy Hellwig explores the political crises in three European democracies (France, Italy and the UK) to argue that failures in constitutional design are at the root of their problems. These failures, moreover, are not dissimilar to those experienced in the United States, suggesting this is a current affliction of western democracies Read more
August 23, 2022

🦋 ♟️ Control over militaries is the forgotten landmark of democracy after imperialism

Hager Ali When democracies’ most basic features lose their distinctive edge, differentiating regime types becomes a problem for scholars of democracy and autocracy alike. Hager Ali wants to redraw demarcations between regimes across the political spectrum. To do so, she argues that civilian control over militaries is just as fundamental as suffrage Read more

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