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May 25, 2022

🦋 For a more critical study of democracy

Marta Wojciechowska Jean-Paul Gagnon’s project involves the collection, labelling, and organisation of published words on democracy. He intends it to help democratic scientists to counter authoritarianism. But, argues Marta Wojciechowska, the project’s method may overlook issues of power involved in creating and publishing meanings of democracy Read more
May 23, 2022

The EU risks destabilising the Mediterranean in its search for new gas suppliers

Maria Gloria Polimeno EU independence from Russia's fossil fuels is predicated on a defence of democratic principles. Yet, argues Maria Gloria Polimeno, a moral contradiction in policy is emerging as EU member states seeks other suppliers. This highlights the need for a sustainable green transition in EU energy supplies Read more
May 20, 2022

🌊 Political crisis in Pakistan: is democracy responsible?

Fizza Batool With another Prime Minister ousted before completing his five-year term, many blame Pakistan's instability on competition for power among political parties. But Fizza Batool argues that illiberalism, not democracy, is to blame Read more
May 19, 2022

Has Ukraine saved Taiwan?

Albrecht Rothacher Albrecht Rothacher argues that the Russian experience of invading Ukraine has caused China to rethink its militaristic intentions regarding Taiwan. What once might have been perceived as a ‘solution’ to the Taiwanese problem now looks unfeasible in the light of Ukraine’s and the West’s response to Russian aggression Read more
May 18, 2022

🦋 Reimagining democracy, one word at a time

Andreas Avgousti Andreas Avgousti asserts that collecting democracy’s words gives us a window into the democratic imagination. He reads Jean-Paul Gagnon’s expanding database as an illustration of democratic virtues Read more
May 17, 2022

Welcoming evacuee neighbours in a pandemic

Phi Hong Su What does it take to welcome evacuees as they rebuild their lives? Phi Hong Su reflects on how governance, labour markets, and ethnic communities can ease new arrivals’ resettlement in the United States —and how gaps in these contexts of reception worsen precarity Read more
May 16, 2022

We need rebellion to confront new disruptive technologies

Felipe Arocena The internet has not, as many hoped, delivered positive change for democracy. But according to Felipe Arocena, there is still a meaningful way to confront the authoritarian advances of new technological powers and reinforce democracy – rebellion Read more
May 13, 2022

🦋 Recovering democratic possibilities in complex political systems

Antonin Lacelle-Webster Jean-Paul Gagnon’s ambitious project expands our democratic imaginaries. While inspiring, Antonin Lacelle-Webster argues that making sense of democracy requires more than a lexicon. Resisting the prevailing sense of disrepair in today’s democratic politics asks us to pay more attention to democracy's appropriation, design, and normative value Read more

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