Firuze Simay Sezgin
In a world where ideological divides typically shape alliances, an unlikely partnership emerges between leftists and conservative Islamists, united in their opposition to war. This unexpected collaboration challenges conventional perceptions, writes Firuze Simay Sezgin, raising questions about the potential for dialogue and peace between seemingly irreconcilable worldviews. Read more
Jacob Wentz
Jacob Wentz analyses populist rhetoric and communication strategies in the election campaigns of Donald Trump and Giorgia Meloni. Both leaders adopt similar approaches, criticising traditional media, personalising politics, and using language that marginalises immigrants and the LGBTQ+ community. We should not, he argues, underestimate the power of their rhetoric. Read more
Adrian Favero
How much do national political parties in Europe try to reach citizens who live abroad? Traditionally, party organisations operated within state borders but the increasing mobility of national citizens requires new forms of interconnectedness. A transnational arena has emerged in which parties connect external citizens with domestic politics to secure votes, writes Adrian Favero Read more
Rubèn Llorens Poblador
The native languages of Catalan and Basque are important to voting and political culture in Catalonia and the Basque Country. Yet, argues Rubèn Llorens Poblador, there are clear differences in the two cases. The Catalan parliament registers a deeper language-based voting gap, as evidenced in the recent regional elections.
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Geoffrey Swenson
Promoters of the rule of law stress the importance of non-state justice for security, stability, and access to justice in the Global South. But as Geoffrey Swenson highlights, actual foreign policy tells a different story. Risk aversion – rather than results – drives foreign policy. Successful rule of law promotion ultimately demands greater risk Read more
Paul Whiteley
In recent weeks, Britain has experienced serious riots following the tragic murders of three young girls in Southport, Merseyside. Media reports pinned the blame on right-wing, racist thugs, but this, writes Paul Whiteley, is an oversimplistic analysis. The most important underlying cause is poverty and deprivation in the communities affected. Read more
Loqman Radpey
The past decade has seen relentless Turkish expansion into Kurdistan. This encroachment has disturbing echoes of Turkey's 1974 invasion of Northern Cyprus – a violation largely ignored by the rest of the world. Loqman Radpey warns that the international community must not abandon the Kurds in their fight against Turkish humanitarian violations Read more
Priscyll Anctil Avoine
Once again, the world has failed Afghan women and girls. 15 August 2024 marks three years of devastating attacks on women's rights, and freedom of movement under the gender-apartheid Taliban regime. Lida Ahmad and Priscyll Anctil Avoine argue that, during the Doha meeting in June, the UN has failed to uphold the principles enshrined in its charter Read more
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