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August 2, 2023

A bitter victory and a sweet defeat: Spain’s general election

Ana Mar Fernández Pasarín Ana Mar Fernández Pasarín and Asbel Bohigues continue the Loop's coverage of Spain's 23 July general election, analysing the results and the (im)possible parliamentary alliances. They highlight that the left has a chance to continue in government but that a repetition of the election is not implausible Read more
July 28, 2023

Spain’s electoral gridlock and the road ahead

Sebastian Contin Trillo-Figueroa Sebastian Contin Trillo-Figueroa & James F. Downes argue that the recent 2023 Spanish general election is likely to lead to further volatility and fragmentation in Spain on both the left and right of the political spectrum. In turn, this will make governing in Spain a very difficult task ahead in the future Read more
July 27, 2023

Peripheral parties hold the key in the aftermath of the Spanish elections

Sonia Alonso Sáenz de Oger After Spain’s parliamentary elections on Sunday, the national right parties won more seats, but the left parties have a better chance of governing. Sonia Alonso and Bonnie N. Field examine the territorial and national identity divisions that will make or break governance Read more
July 25, 2023

🔮 The rise of the populist radical right in Chile

Lisa Zanotti Lisa Zanotti and Gonzalo Espinoza-Bianchini explore the rise of the populist radical right in Chile, and its ideological differences from its European counterparts. They also highlight the traditional right's vital role in mitigating the mainstreaming of right-wing populist ideas Read more
July 24, 2023

The 2023 elections mark the end of the financial crisis era in Greece

Alexandros Kyriakidis Alexandros Kyriakidis argues that the era of political and financial crisis in Greece that spanned a decade seems to be coming to a close with the recent elections. This is demonstrated most vividly by the decline of SYRIZA, the party most closely associated with the anti-financial programme agenda Read more
June 21, 2023

Do referendum voters vote according to their beliefs?

Matthew E Bergman What motivates people in referendum voting? Advocates argue that they allow voters to express their sincere preferences on issues. Matthew Bergman and Gianluca Passarelli look at the Italian case. They argue that voting in referenda can be just as party-focused as other forms of elections Read more
June 16, 2023

Poland's new anti-Constitutional law targets the opposition ahead of forthcoming elections

Kaja Kaźmierska Kaja Kaźmierska analyses a new law passed recently in Poland which violates the Constitution multiple times on the pretext of investigating Russian influence over Polish politics. Opposition parties have dubbed this law the 'Lex Tusk', arguing that its purpose is predominantly to prevent a Tusk victory in the forthcoming elections Read more
June 14, 2023

Greek election outcome: towards a new disorder

Susannah Verney The Greek election of May 2023 produced an unexpected destabilisation of the party system, and triggered a repeat election to be held five weeks later. Susannah Verney argues that the poll was variously viewed by voters as a second order election and a ‘system-defining’ choice Read more

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