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June 27, 2023

Which voters stereotype Muslim politicians as homophobic?

Sanne van Oosten We know that voters stereotype Muslim politicians as homophobic. However, they also project their own ideas about LGBTQ+ rights onto politicians. Sanne van Oosten examines which of these voter tendencies are likely to prevail with which voters, and argues that both strength and type of opinion matter Read more
June 22, 2023

How queer female tourism in Africa broke down barriers

Jacqueline Wilson The legacy of European colonialism and Christian missionaries has created challenges for same-sex relationships in the Global South. In former German colonies Namibia, Tanzania, and Cameroon during the 1980s, anti-LGBTQ attitudes still prevailed. Jacqueline Wilson tells the story of a pioneering queer tourism project that challenged the colonial narrative Read more
March 9, 2023

🌊 Giorgia Meloni’s ambiguity on gender rights

Laura Montecchio 'I am Giorgia, I am a woman, I am a mother'. So said Giorgia Meloni in a speech that has defined her career. Yet, write Laura Montecchio and Marianna Griffini, Meloni is far from a promoter of gender rights Read more
March 6, 2023

🌈 Anti-feminists want to control, alter and delete women’s rights

Rebecca Sanders The reversal of Roe, bans on teaching about gender, and gunmen showing up at drag shows all are part of a trend in US and international politics. Rebecca Sanders and Laura Dudley Jenkins call it 'patriarchal populism'. They explain what patriarchal populism is, and three tactics used to undermine and attack established women’s and LGBTQ+ human rights Read more
July 6, 2022

How conservatives react against feminist mobilisations and turn to the radical right

Gefjon Off Evidence from Sweden shows that feminist mobilisations, such as #MeToo, can trigger a conservative backlash against gender equality and LGBTQI+ rights. This then fuels support for the radical right, argues Gefjon Off Read more
September 2, 2021

EU international LGBTI rights promotion: coherent, consistent and effective?

Markus Thiel The EU’s promotion of LGBTI human rights has provoked disputes over these rights, and the way they are promoted. Focusing on civil pluralism and democratic consolidation would make the EU a more reflective and effective actor, argues Markus Thiel Read more
June 28, 2021

Identity versus global politics: Euroscepticism in Croatia and Serbia

Vassilis Petsinis Euroscepticism manifests itself in different ways in the Balkans. Why? Vassilis Petsinis argues that grasping the differences between attitudes in different Balkan nations helps explain Serbia’s long and complex EU accession process Read more
June 9, 2021

LGBTI activists face growing opposition across Eastern Europe

Maja Gergorić Planning for forthcoming Pride months, LGBTI activists are aware of growing opposition to their cause. Yet, writes Maja Gergorić, anti-LGBTI rhetoric and policy meet with a strong and united LGBTI movement in Eastern European countries Read more

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