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August 11, 2023

Are British voters ready for i-voting?

Manu Savani As political participation, government services, and social interaction increasingly go digital, are we ready for i-voting – remote online voting – through a few clicks on a phone or laptop? Justin Fisher and Manu Savani look at what makes British voters willing to take up i-voting Read more
August 10, 2023

🔮 Populists in power, constitutional change, and democratic backsliding

Jasmin Sarah König We know that there is an inherent tension between populism and liberal democracy. So how does this translate into law when populists are in power? Jasmin Sarah König and Tilko Swalve argue that constitutional changes by populist governments can have ambiguous implications for democratic quality Read more
August 3, 2023

The radical left today is not radical, and why that matters

Vladimir Bortun Some of the most successful radical left parties of the past decade are not really radical, argues Vladimir Bortun. These parties do not display the anti-capitalism that defines the radical left, but rather a socio-economic agenda akin to post-WWII social democracy. Labelling this neo-reformist left 'radical' is deeply problematic, conceptually and politically Read more
August 3, 2023

🦋 Herman Melville’s ruthless democracy

Jennifer Greiman Herman Melville’s 'ruthless democracy' is a creative performance, argues Jennifer Greiman, which guides Melville’s experimental prose and poetry. This sought to reimagine democratic relations, possibilities, and ways of being as matters for aesthetic thought and work – with strong implications for political theory Read more
August 2, 2023

A bitter victory and a sweet defeat: Spain’s general election

Ana Mar Fernández Pasarín Ana Mar Fernández Pasarín and Asbel Bohigues continue the Loop's coverage of Spain's 23 July general election, analysing the results and the (im)possible parliamentary alliances. They highlight that the left has a chance to continue in government but that a repetition of the election is not implausible Read more
August 1, 2023

Citizen participation and social protest in transnational megaprojects

Mattia Bottino Participatory governance in megaprojects is intended to involve citizens in the decision-making processes and tackle their disaffection towards institutions. Mattia Bottino analyses the ‘proximity strategy’ used to realise the Brenner Basistunnel between Italy and Austria and contrasts it with the NO TAV experience in Italy’s Susa Valley Read more
July 31, 2023

Crackdown on Pride Walks in Turkey: homophobia and the 2023 elections

Didem Unal Abaday In Turkey, LGBTI+ events and pressures on queer people’s right to assembly face increasing restrictions. This, writes Didem Unal Abaday, will only get worse with democratic decline. In the new parliamentary term after the 2023 elections, democratic backsliding is turning political homophobia into state policy Read more
July 28, 2023

Spain’s electoral gridlock and the road ahead

Sebastian Contin Trillo-Figueroa Sebastian Contin Trillo-Figueroa & James F. Downes argue that the recent 2023 Spanish general election is likely to lead to further volatility and fragmentation in Spain on both the left and right of the political spectrum. In turn, this will make governing in Spain a very difficult task ahead in the future Read more

The Loop

Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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