Georgios Samaras
With the 21 May election in Greece fast approaching, Georgios Samaras examines the recent surge of ultranationalism in Greek politics. He argues that a process of normalisation of far-right practices is taking place, as echoed in other European countries, including Hungary and Italy Read more
Marcel Lewandowsky
Marcel Lewandowsky argues that much research on populism suffers from that a contextual blind spot: it overlooks the broad variety of illiberal attitudes of which populism is only one variant. Here, he calls for more research on this ‘invisible coalition’ of illiberal attitudes Read more
Laura Montecchio
'I am Giorgia, I am a woman, I am a mother'. So said Giorgia Meloni in a speech that has defined her career. Yet, write Laura Montecchio and Marianna Griffini, Meloni is far from a promoter of gender rights Read more
Cristina Chiva
Reproductive rights and LGBTQ+ rights are increasingly under attack across the world. So far, we have a good grasp of the causes and consequences of the backlash against gender equality. What we need to do now, argues Cristina Chiva, is to conceptualise and document democratic resilience against these trends Read more
Alessia Donà
After the Fratelli d’Italia victory in the 2022 Italian general election, a radical-right government formed, headed by party leader Giorgia Meloni. Alessia Donà explores gender issues in FdI ideology, and the party’s alliance with the Italian anti-gender movement. She finds the Meloni government is founded on reactionary Catholic extremism Read more
Rafael Labanino
Illiberal governments in Central and Eastern Europe are following a conscious strategy of hollowing out interest representation and stifling or co-opting civil society organisations. Rafael Labanino explains how the authoritarian playbook works – and how interest groups adapt or fight back Read more
Gabriela Patricia García García
Human rights organisations in Turkey face a predicament. In using the law to confront human rights violations by the government, they then experience those violations themselves. Legal mobilisation against democratic backsliding has its limits, argues Gabriela García García Read more
Dario Mazzola
By the time Italians went to the polls in September, the victory of Giorgia Meloni’s Brothers of Italy party was a foregone conclusion. Dario Mazzola articulates the factors that led to the formation of the most right-wing government in the history of the Italian Republic Read more