Titus Alexander
Academic political science is a cottage industry compared with tendentious large-scale social experiments conducted by big businesses, governments and election strategists. Titus Alexander argues that political scientists need to recognise the power of institutions as social models and real-time experiments to help people solve problems and meet their needs better. Read more
Anja Durovic
Democratic governments conduct extensive public opinion research, but we know little about how they use it. When and why do they seek to find out what the public thinks? Opening the black box of government polling in Germany, Anja Durovic and Tinette Schnatterer find governments exploit polls in a highly strategic way. Read more
Ed Dolan
Regime classifications are in dire need of better 'adjectives'. Ed Dolan introduces a new typology focused on rule compliance, which matters greatly in democracies and in authoritarian regimes. China is the non-compliant authoritarian regime exception that shows why. Read more
Zarina Mukasheva
The EU has a grand vision for democracy across the globe, and Central Asia is no exception. However, writes Zarina Mukasheva, the EU’s strategy to promote democracy in the region has so far failed to deliver. Read more
Baris Cayli Messina
Far-right violence in the UK threatens democracy. Baris Cayli Messina argues for repressive state power to counter this threat. Recognising that democracy is fragile, he calls for action against organisations and people that fuel extremism. Cooperation between state institutions and non-state actors is essential to combat fascist violence and ensure peaceful coexistence Read more