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American Politics

December 22, 2022

The 2022 American midterm elections: a return to common sense

José J. Sanmartín José J. Sanmartín explores the significance of last month's midterm elections in the US, detecting deep undercurrents at work in American politics. These, he says, will not only shape the next presidential election campaign. They may also determine the United States’ vision of itself in the longer term Read more
November 14, 2022

California’s Cap-and-Trade Program can serve as a model for emissions reductions

Jason Gray California’s carbon market design and inclusion of its Cap-and-Trade Program within its broader suite of measures helped the state reduce emissions drastically, and set the stage for its mid- and long-term goals. The program, according to Jason Gray, may serve as a model for jurisdictions contemplating their own emissions trading systems Read more
September 22, 2022

The Reagan myth is stunting the Republican Party

Olga Thierbach-McLean Comparing Donald Trump to Ronald Reagan has become the key trope of the Republican Party’s decline. Trumpism is typically cast as a drastic deviation from the golden standard of US conservatism set by Reagan. But according to Olga Thierbach-McLean, Reagan’s political legacy is the disease rather than the cure Read more
September 20, 2022

China's aggression towards Taiwan is more bark than bite

Albrecht Rothacher Albrecht Rothacher contends that China’s recent threats towards Taiwan in response to Nancy Pelosi’s visit should not be taken at face value. An invasion of Taiwan would be a highly dangerous mission for China, carrying enormous costs for both China, the US and Europe Read more
August 24, 2022

Failures in constitutional design are at the heart of the crisis in western democracies

Timothy Hellwig Timothy Hellwig explores the political crises in three European democracies (France, Italy and the UK) to argue that failures in constitutional design are at the root of their problems. These failures, moreover, are not dissimilar to those experienced in the United States, suggesting this is a current affliction of western democracies Read more
August 2, 2022

Is the EU any more progressive on abortion policy than post-Roe America?

Danielle Pullan SCOTUS recently overturned the federal right to abortion, leaving many open questions about the future of abortion policy, both in the US and around the globe. Danielle Pullan compares the new post-Roe abortion policy landscape in the US to the current state of abortion governance in Europe, highlighting its similarity to the EU’s approach Read more
June 23, 2022

'The people' goes to the Capitol

Lasse Thomassen How should we interpret what happened on 6 January 2021 at the Capitol? Lasse Thomassen argues that, while populists like Trump may threaten democracy, we cannot simply dismiss populism and the populist mob without taking something away from it that we value: its inherent openness Read more
May 19, 2022

Has Ukraine saved Taiwan?

Albrecht Rothacher Albrecht Rothacher argues that the Russian experience of invading Ukraine has caused China to rethink its militaristic intentions regarding Taiwan. What once might have been perceived as a ‘solution’ to the Taiwanese problem now looks unfeasible in the light of Ukraine’s and the West’s response to Russian aggression Read more

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