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Could South Africa's elections finally see the ANC ousted from office?

May 28, 2024

♟️ Russia’s mercenaries are bolstering autocratic regimes in the Sahel

May 13, 2024

Cameroon braces for presidential elections

March 26, 2024

🔮 It’s not populism. It’s something worse

March 15, 2024

There is a resurgence of military coups in Africa's Sahel region. Why?

February 20, 2024
January 19, 2024

Winning aspiration needed to advance US foreign policy interests in Zimbabwe

Michael Walsh The American Embassy in Harare has failed to achieve its desired outcomes. Michael Walsh argues that the US Department of State needs a new approach to country-level foreign policy planning Read more
November 7, 2023

Explaining the reasons for recent military coups in Africa

Reuben Twinomujuni Why has West Africa experienced so many military coups over the past couple of years? Reuben Twinomujuni and Hannah Muzee say the inadequacies of the African Union are only part of the problem. They argue that the phenomenon is also to the result of internal and external forces that impede united African action Read more
October 27, 2023

Digital elections no magic remedy for Zimbabwe's blighted democracy

Gift Mwonzora Can digitalisation prevent election tampering in Zimbabwe? New technologies certainly have the potential to improve the conduct and management of elections. But, as Gift Mwonzora argues, without concomitant political will and adherence to electoral laws, digitalisation does little to enhance electoral integrity and democracy in (semi-)authoritarian regimes Read more
October 20, 2023

๐Ÿ”ฎ South Africaโ€™s populist EFF stirs up parliamentary affairs

Ainara Mancebo Recent electoral success for the Economic Freedom Fighters means the global rise of populism has firmly reached South Africa. But Ainara Mancebo cautions that most of EFF's parliamentary efforts are aimed merely at criticising the ruling party, and exposing its failures. EFF pledges to transform the South African economy, she says, ring hollow Read more
October 6, 2023

Does the EU listen to its global partners?

Ileana Daniela Serban Can the European Union promote its vision of the importance of regional integration around the world, while using its partners' local knowledge? Ileana Daniela Serban delves into what the implementation of EU international aid programmes tells us about the EU as an international actor Read more

The Loop

Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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