Articles by Thareeat Laohabut

December 23, 2022

♟️ Let’s not overlook classic authoritarians! Understanding Thailand's political regime

Thareeat Laohabut
The fashion for seeing all authoritarian regimes through the lens of ‘democratic backsliding’ or ‘autocratisation’ has overshadowed our understanding of the strategies of classic authoritarians. Thareerat Laohabut uses the case of Thailand to illustrate this problem, showing how civil-millitary relations supporting the regime have been inadequately understood
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photograph of Thareeat Laohabut
Thareeat Laohabut
Research Fellow and PhD Candidate, Geschwister Scholl Institute of Political Science, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich

Thareerat's research focuses are in two strands: comparative party politics and party systems, focusing on European politics and democratic transformation and autocratisation in Southeast Asia, and sometimes in Thailand specifically.

Prior to joining GSI, she was a scholarship recipient and graduate of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees in European Politics and Society with three mobilities at Charles University, Leiden University, and Pompeu Fabra University.

She holds BA in political science from Thammasat University, together with a one-year Erasmus exchange at LMU Munich.

She tweets @t_laohabut

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