Articles by Magna Inácio

May 19, 2021

How South America’s leaders have mishandled the Covid-19 pandemic

Magna Inácio
Despite their constitutional powers, South American presidents have not managed the Covid-19 pandemic effectively, write Marta Rocha, Luciana Santana and Magna Inácio. This is worrying in a region desperate to overcome economic decline, inequality, unemployment, and extreme poverty
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photograph of Magna Inácio
Magna Inácio
Associate Professor, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

Magna is former director of UFMG\'s Centre for Legislative Studies (CEL-DCP) .

She has been Edward Laroque Tinker Visiting Professor at Stanford University (Jan/July, 2020); Visiting Scholar at University of Oxford (2012; 2017); GIGA/Hamburg (2014); Universidad de Salamanca (2009).

She holds a PhD in Political Science from UFMG (2006), and has conducted extensive comparative research on political institutions, presidencies, coalition politics, and executive-legislative relations.

Magna co-edited, with Lucio Rennó, Legislativo Brasileiro em Perspectiva Comparada, and, with Fatima Anastasia et al, Elites Parlamentares na América Latina.

She has published in journals such as Presidential Studies Quarterly, America Hoy, Journal of Politics in Latin America and Brazilian Political Science Review.

Magna is the editor of, a blog dedicated to the study of presidents and executive politics, development and functioning of Presidencies, and cabinet politics.

Follow her on Twitter @magnainacio

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