Articles by Giovanni Capoccia

July 16, 2024

French elections: did Macron’s gamble pay off?

Giovanni Capoccia
In calling a snap election Emmanuel Macron aimed to achieve 'clarity' on the will of French voters after defeat of his presidential list in the European elections by Marine Le Pen's far-right Rassemblement National (RN). Giovanni Capoccia explores the wisdom of this move in light of the outcome
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June 16, 2023

Berlusconi’s passing destabilises the Italian party system

Giovanni Capoccia
The death of the ex-Prime Minister and media tycoon opens a period of uncertainty not only within his party, but also in Italian politics as a whole, writes Giovanni Capoccia
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March 27, 2023

Macron’s gamble on pensions reform

Giovanni Capoccia
The French President has pushed through his signature reform of the French pensions system against widespread opposition. Yet, argues Giovanni Capoccia, the fight is not over, and the stakes are high – and not just for France
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September 30, 2022

Italian general election: the far right sweeps to power under Giorgia Meloni

Giovanni Capoccia
The Italian general election produced a clear majority for the right-wing coalition headed by the Brothers of Italy, following a significant shift of votes within the coalition. The parties of the centre-left failed to forge an electoral alliance to stop the right. The political landscape remains volatile, says Giovanni Capoccia
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September 14, 2022

Italy’s odd turn to the right

Giovanni Capoccia
The outcome of the Italian parliamentary elections, now less than two weeks away, seems a foregone conclusion. The centre-right coalition, led by Giorgia Meloni’s right-wing Brothers of Italy, will likely have a majority. What might happen after the centre-right takes power is more uncertain, says Giovanni Capoccia
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August 24, 2022

The Italian elections and the threat to European integration

Giovanni Capoccia
The Italian right, led by the Brothers of Italy, is likely to be in government after the September 2022 elections. Despite its public statements expressing ‘full support’ for the European integration process, Giovanni Capoccia says that there are good reasons to question the exact nature of this commitment and what it means
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April 6, 2022

Can Marine Le Pen win the French presidential elections?

Giovanni Capoccia
A second term of office for Emmanuel Macron remains the most probable outcome of the French Presidential election, but it is no longer a foregone conclusion. The race with Marine Le Pen now looks more competitive than ever, says Giovanni Capoccia.
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November 9, 2021

An increasingly Eurosceptic French electorate threatens the EU

Giovanni Capoccia
Giovanni Capoccia argues that the 2022 French Presidential elections could constitute a greater threat to the EU than any current challenge. Although unlikely at present, a Eurosceptic French President would precipitate the greatest crisis in the EU’s history – and there is still much to play for
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photograph of Giovanni Capoccia
Giovanni Capoccia
Professor of Comparative Politics, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Oxford

Giovanni's research interests include democracy and political extremism, democratic backsliding, and European politics.

He is currently preparing a co-edited volume on how illiberalism and backsliding can be countered in liberal democracies.

He tweets @gcapoccia1

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