Police brutality is not new in Brazil. But the shocking events at Jacarezinho are also symptomatic of rising conservative politics in the country, write Fernanda Barasuol and Thiago Borne
The possibility of Lula running for office in 2022 has already nudged Bolsonaro to change course. Yet, write Larissa Peixoto Gomes and Fernanda Barasuol, although Lula’s candidacy is a likely scenario, it is not guaranteed
Although it claims to protect women, the Bolsonaro government is running a crusade against the human rights of women and LGBTQ individuals, writes Fernanda Barasuol. Attempting to ban gender studies in universities is one example of how the government works against women’s right to defend themselves
Fernanda holds a PhD in International Strategic Studies from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brazil. She has also been a visiting Researcher at American University, Washington DC (2015-2016).
Her research interests include IR theory, gender, migration, and the connections between academia and policymaking.
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