Articles by Emmanuelle Bertout

May 20, 2021

Religious freedom under attack in France

Emmanuelle Bertout
Religious freedom is deteriorating in France. Laws aimed at maintaining the confessional neutrality of the French state are turning into attacks on individuals’ right to religious freedom, writes Emmanuelle Bertout In February 2021, the French National Assembly adopted the highly controversial bill Consolidating the Principles of the Republic. The Senate followed suit in April. The […]
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photograph of Emmanuelle Bertout
Emmanuelle Bertout
Research Assistant, Security and Defense Research Team, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM)

Emmanuelle holds a Master’s degree in Political Science and Security Studies from Sciences Po Paris’ School of Public Affairs.

During her Bachelor’s degree, she spent a year studying at Tel Aviv University in Israel.

Her research interests include the public management of pluralism, citizenship and integration policies, and political extremism.

Follow her on Twitter @em_brt

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