Articles by Danielle Pullan

August 2, 2022

Is the EU any more progressive on abortion policy than post-Roe America?

Danielle Pullan
SCOTUS recently overturned the federal right to abortion, leaving many open questions about the future of abortion policy, both in the US and around the globe. Danielle Pullan compares the new post-Roe abortion policy landscape in the US to the current state of abortion governance in Europe, highlighting its similarity to the EU’s approach
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photograph of Danielle Pullan
Danielle Pullan
Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies (MPIfG) / University of Cologne

Danielle's dissertation concerns abortion policy and abortion access in Europe, with a focus on the perspectives of abortion providers.

She also works with the Max Planck PhDnet to build connections across research institutions and improve conditions for doctoral researchers.

She tweets @dmpullan

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