Many leftists have been reluctant to support Ukraine against the Russian invasion. They might take an ‘anti-imperialist’ position against the US; or they may have ties to Russia through political sponsorship. Aleksandra Spalińska believes the Marxist/leftist position has deeper roots. She argues that leftists' perspective on world politics is determined by a phenomenon she calls 'methodological externalism'
Elon Musk’s takeover throws Twitter’s future into question. Drawing from Albert Hirschman’s 1970 work on organisational decline, Aleksandra Spalińska explains how the high costs of leaving means a full exit from the platform is not a viable option for every Twitter user
Her research interests include IR theory and concepts, especially theorising world order and ‘the international’, non-state actors in world politics and IR theory, polity formation theory, and Western anxieties and the interregnum.
She has written book reviews for International Affairs, the Journal of Common Market Studies, and Political Studies Review.
Aleksandra is currently working on a dissertation examining ‘new mediaevalism’ in the study of world politics.
Find out more about Aleksandra's research interests on her ECPR profile.