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United Arab Emirates

February 7, 2024

BRICS expansion: another sign of the world's de-westernisation?

Bernardo Jurema Bernardo Jurema places the recent BRICS expansion into appropriate historical context. It is, he argues, a project to de-westernise the world, opening up new possibilities, including de-colonialisation along the lines of previous historical attempts. It may not be everything that is needed, but it is a significant step forwards Read more
November 1, 2022

â™Ÿï¸ Letting Agrabah go: why we must de-orientalise our approach to the Arab Gulf states

Dawud Ansari De-orientalising the scholarship on the Arab Gulf states is crucial, argues Dawud Ansari. Commentaries and datasets generalise them as ‘monarchies’, erasing vital differences between these countries. New terms are a starting point for transforming research on the wider region – an urgent objective given new crises and freshened global interest Read more

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Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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