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state sovereignty

November 23, 2023

🔮 The technopopulist loop and conflicts of sovereignty in the EU

Emilija Tudzarovska The EU economic crisis revealed a clash between the EU and national authorities. This clash is, however, only one part of the story. Events in Greece, Italy, Bulgaria and Slovenia, writes Emilija Tudzarovska, also revealed a crisis of party politics. This crisis has triggered appeals to populism and technocracy – technopopulism – which weakens yet further the institutionalisation of politics Read more
January 11, 2022

The pandemic reveals a lot about sovereign power and how it is contested

Ruairidh Brown Sovereignty is typically perceived to lie with those who can provide protection. Ruairidh Brown considers how the pandemic has tested and challenged the supra-national, national and sub-national levels in terms of the exercise of sovereign power. What might be the implications of these developments in the future? Read more

The Loop

Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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