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July 26, 2022

Why the European Green Deal (still) matters

Simon Schunz Russia’s invasion of Ukraine challenges the EU’s flagship ‘Green Deal’ project. Current measures to cope with rising energy prices and the risk of power cuts run counter to the Deal’s transformational logic. Simon Schunz argues that an alternative solution lies in understanding this crisis as a catalyst for Europe’s socio-ecological transition Read more
June 30, 2022

Russia faces geopolitical challenges from its invasion of Ukraine

Aydin Salimli The international ramifications of the Russia-Ukraine war present tough choices for Russia, according to Aydin Salimli. These include NATO’s expansion, Central Asia's search for new transit routes to sell their gas and oil, and the growing role in the region of both Turkey and the United States Read more
June 21, 2022

Russia's failures in Ukraine could threaten its domestic stability

Alexandr Burilkov With the Russian invasion of Ukraine reduced to a protracted battle for the Donbas, discontent grows in Russian military and ultranationalist circles. This could lead to the formation of paramilitary groups aiming for a Russia of the revolutionary right, says Alexandr Burilkov Read more
June 15, 2022

The invasion of Ukraine is preventing a truce in the war on nature

Ian Budge The Russian invasion of Ukraine has reduced media coverage of the political violence and turmoil elsewhere in the world caused by climate change, as well as causing a retreat on climate change policy targets by richer democracies. Ian Budge highlights what needs to be done and how Read more
June 8, 2022

Comparing EKRE's strategy towards Russophone Estonians with Italy's Lega

Stefano Braghiroli Stefano Braghiroli and Andrey Makarychev chart a change in the Estonian National Conservative Party (EKRE). Lately, it has appealed for the first time to Russian-speaking minorities – an attempt at a similar process to the League’s transformation into a national party in Italy. Unlike the Lega, though, they face the obstacle of the Russian invasion of Ukraine Read more
June 2, 2022

Alexei Navalny and the campaign of disinformation conducted by Russia Today

Christoph Deppe Disinformation affects democratic systems and lowers the deliberative quality of our society. Analysing press coverage of the poisoning of Alexei Navalny, Christoph Deppe and Gary S. Schaal reveal that Russia Today journalists instrumentalise democratic institutions – including German government press conferences – in their favour Read more
May 31, 2022

♟️ Varieties of authoritarianism, and how they might be studied

Catherine Owen Catherine Owen argues that understanding how regime type influences public sector performance can illuminate varieties of ‘authoritarian public policy’ and the resilience of authoritarian states. To do so, she calls on the fields of public administration and comparative politics to work together Read more
May 19, 2022

Has Ukraine saved Taiwan?

Albrecht Rothacher Albrecht Rothacher argues that the Russian experience of invading Ukraine has caused China to rethink its militaristic intentions regarding Taiwan. What once might have been perceived as a ‘solution’ to the Taiwanese problem now looks unfeasible in the light of Ukraine’s and the West’s response to Russian aggression Read more

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