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public services

June 11, 2024

🔮 School and hospital closures increase support for right-wing populist parties

Niels Nyholt Niels Nyholt argues that voters’ everyday experiences with political decisions can substantiate populist parties' anti-elitist arguments. When mainstream politicians accommodate changes in settlement patterns by merging schools and hospitals, some communities are left without nearby services. Here, right-wing populist parties offer an electoral outlet for residents feeling left behind Read more
February 5, 2021

‘Austerity by stealth’: How the socialist government in Portugal managed electoral success and deficit reduction

Catherine Moury While socialist parties in Europe struggle in times of austerity, the Portuguese left has found a winning strategy, write Catherine Moury and Elisabetta de Giorgi. Combining discrete austerity measures with some visible anti-austerity ones, they have managed to please constituency and supporting partners alike Read more

The Loop

Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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