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November 3, 2022

Italy’s changing international outlook under Meloni

Massimo D'Angelo On 21 October 2022, Giorgia Meloni became the first female Italian Prime Minister. She is also the head of the most right-wing government in the history of the Republic. Massimo D’Angelo explores the implications for Italy’s foreign policy and European outlook, as well as the lure of authoritarianism in some European governments Read more
October 26, 2022

Is the Suwałki gap the most dangerous place on earth?

Cindy Regnier Renewed tensions between Russia and the West amid war in Ukraine have focused attention on the ‘Suwałki gap’. According to Cindy Regnier, this corridor along the Lithuanian-Polish border has been increasingly securitised. Still, any attempt to seize control over it would gain the Russians little Read more
September 12, 2022

Democratisers vs autocratisers: Great Power competition and the path to democracy

Zarina Burkadze Promoting democracy without challenging external autocratisers and checking local democratic elites may be counterproductive, argues Zarina Burkadze. Great power competition has always had an impact on the domestic politics of small nations, and this is apparent in the conflicts and international politics of today Read more
August 9, 2022

Is it time for NATO to give Ukraine a nuclear guarantee?

Paul Whiteley Paul Whiteley, assessing Russia's difficulties and Putin's potential next steps in the offensive against Ukraine, wonders whether it is time for NATO to issue a nuclear guarantee to Ukraine in order to prevent a further escalation of the conflict Read more
July 21, 2022

Is EU enlargement to Ukraine and Moldova credible?

Veronica Anghel The credibility of EU membership for Ukraine and Moldova depends on how flexible member states are with the criteria for entry and the notion of full membership. Veronica Anghel and Erik Jones, drawing on analysis of previous enlargements, show that the flexibility can be considerable Read more
June 30, 2022

Russia faces geopolitical challenges from its invasion of Ukraine

Aydin Salimli The international ramifications of the Russia-Ukraine war present tough choices for Russia, according to Aydin Salimli. These include NATO’s expansion, Central Asia's search for new transit routes to sell their gas and oil, and the growing role in the region of both Turkey and the United States Read more
June 21, 2022

Russia's failures in Ukraine could threaten its domestic stability

Alexandr Burilkov With the Russian invasion of Ukraine reduced to a protracted battle for the Donbas, discontent grows in Russian military and ultranationalist circles. This could lead to the formation of paramilitary groups aiming for a Russia of the revolutionary right, says Alexandr Burilkov Read more
June 13, 2022

Russia’s quasi-colonial dependence on China

Albrecht Rothacher he Russian invasion of Ukraine has exposed Russia’s growing dependence on China, argues Albrecht Rothacher. China’s ambitions to displace the US as the main world power contrast vividly with Russia’s long-term stagnation and decline. It's a decline exacerbated by the latest Western economic sanctions Read more

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