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military power

May 20, 2024

♟️Pakistan elections: perpetual instability in a military-controlled democracy

Vasabjit Banerjee Pakistan’s recent elections have produced a two-party ruling coalition, and seemingly ended the confrontation between ex-Prime Minister Imran Khan and his former backers, the military. Yet, while the military’s role as a veto player in Pakistani politics remains unquestioned, its grip is shakier, argue Vasabjit Banerjee and Adnan Rasool. Read more
March 26, 2024

🔮 Marching to the populist drum? The military's role in populist governance

Hakkı Taş Recent data indicates that countries led by more populist leaders are less likely to have a military with veto power.  Hakkı Taş explores the populist centralisation of power that fosters control over the military, and the impact on civilian oversight Read more
March 18, 2024

The democratisation of asymmetry

Alexandr Burilkov Despite the deployment of multiple Western warships to the Red Sea, Qatar has suspended deliveries from shipping company LNG to Europe as a result of Houthi attacks. This disruption of fragile Western supply chains, writes Alexandr Burilkov, comes at a time when resource-poor Europe must meet the steep costs of rearming to match the Russian military Read more

The Loop

Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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