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international diplomacy

August 1, 2024

The delicate diplomacy between the US and China over Taiwan

Aagya Gupta Three Communiqués, born from Nixon's 1972 historic visit to China, continue to shape Sino-American relations and influence Taiwan's status. Aagya Gupta explains how diplomatic powerplays and agreements have sustained their relevance and shapes modern geopolitics Read more
June 10, 2024

Central Asia becomes a key strategic region for the EU

Nikola Mikovic Central Asia has traditionally been in Russia’s geopolitical orbit. However, argues Nikola Mikovic, the region has significant strategic importance, and a key role in facilitating trade between Europe and Asia. The European Union is therefore now seeking to strengthen economic, political, and security ties with Central Asian states Read more

The Loop

Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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