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July 25, 2024

How urban climate action is fuelling populist backlash

Mahir Yazar In Germany, climate protesters are demanding diesel bans in cities. Norwegian activists are calling for the abolition of urban road tolls. But in cities across the world, writes Mahir Yazar, populists are rising up to challenge these progressive climate movements Read more
August 30, 2023

Five years of ‘Fridays for Future’: but what future is there now for the movement?

Carina Siebler Carina Siebler, Leonhard Schmidt, Lennart Schürmann and Daniel Saldivia Gonzatti examine the success and changing strategy of the Fridays for Future movement. Under the impact of the pandemic and the rise of competing protest groups, the movement is adapting its strategy to advocate for social climate policies amid a changing political landscape Read more
May 1, 2023

🔮 Why the populist radical right will soon embrace ecologism

Gijs Lambrechts As the intersection between the crisis of representative democracy and the climate crisis grows bigger, Gijs Lambrechts argues that climate action will soon take centre stage in the discourse of the populist radical right Read more

The Loop

Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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