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June 11, 2024

🔮 School and hospital closures increase support for right-wing populist parties

Niels Nyholt Niels Nyholt argues that voters’ everyday experiences with political decisions can substantiate populist parties' anti-elitist arguments. When mainstream politicians accommodate changes in settlement patterns by merging schools and hospitals, some communities are left without nearby services. Here, right-wing populist parties offer an electoral outlet for residents feeling left behind Read more
January 18, 2024

What counts more for welfare: countries or people?

Richard Rose Richard Rose has conducted a breathtakingly comprehensive analysis of the state of welfare across the world. Here, he provides a succinct summary of his findings – for countries and for people Read more
January 3, 2024

War on two fronts: Ukraine’s demographic crisis

Eban Raymond Prior to Russia’s full-scale invasion, Ukraine experienced a problem only too familiar in developed countries – an ageing population. Using UN-sourced data, Eban Raymond explains how, amid the ravages of war, Ukraine now faces a demographic crisis, with severe implications for its economic recovery Read more
June 13, 2022

Russia’s quasi-colonial dependence on China

Albrecht Rothacher he Russian invasion of Ukraine has exposed Russia’s growing dependence on China, argues Albrecht Rothacher. China’s ambitions to displace the US as the main world power contrast vividly with Russia’s long-term stagnation and decline. It's a decline exacerbated by the latest Western economic sanctions Read more

The Loop

Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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