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May 1, 2024

Soft power and India’s changing approach to Israel under Modi

Lakshmy Ramakrishnan Earlier this year, construction workers from India began arriving in Israel to mitigate the country's labour shortage. The number of Indian migrant workers in Israel now looks set to reach 6,000. While this does help reduce India's unemployment rate, Lakshmy Ramakrishnan argues we should also see it as an exercise in soft power by the Modi government Read more
March 7, 2024

🌈 De-democratisation in South Asia weakens gender equality

Sohela Nazeen This year, millions of people in South Asia head to the polls. Potential outcomes of elections in Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan, however, do not bode well for women’s rights or gender equality, says Sohela Nazneen. The road ahead is difficult for women’s and LGBTQ+ struggles, as autocratic leaders consolidate power, and right-wing populists, digital repression, and violence against women and sexual minorities are all on the rise Read more
December 12, 2023

🔮 Beyond grievances: the path to populist radical-right party membership

Sofia Ammassari Sofia Ammassari argues that grievances are important in understanding why people join populist radical-right parties, but so is political efficacy – the belief that one can influence politics. We shouldn't think of members of these parties only as angry and disaffected citizens; they can be pro-active and efficacious, too Read more
August 7, 2023

Has the Hindu majority developed a ‘Nazi conscience’ in India?

Amit Singh Emboldened by the support of the State, Hindu nationalists have unleashed violent attacks on religious minorities in India. Constant state propaganda and communal violence have led to the development of a ‘Nazi conscience’ among the Hindu majority, which now perceives violence to be morally righteous, argues Amit Singh Read more
April 19, 2023

🔮 Narendra Modi: India's 'vulnerable' strongman populist leader

Proma Raychaudhury Focusing on Narendra Modi’s populist leadership in India, Proma Ray Chaudhury argues that displays of vulnerability by strongman populist leaders can offer insights into the resilience of populist regimes Read more

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