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December 6, 2023

🔮 Turkey’s refugees under the crossfire of two populisms

Bilge Yabancı Does mainstream opposition always pursue a democratic and depolarising strategy to challenge incumbents' authoritarian populism? Bilge Yabancı argues that in Turkey, both the incumbent and opposition parties have exploited the refugee crisis for political gains at the expense of social cohesion and democratic values Read more
November 29, 2023

🌈 The burden of de-democratisation: gender (in)equality in Turkey

Raquel Santos Fernandes The less democratic the political regime, the more asymmetrical gender relations become. Raquel Santos Fernandes terms this phenomenon ‘gendering de-democratisation’. Based on data from Turkey, she explains how the process increasingly excludes women, and limits their experiences of citizenship in politics, in the economy, and in their intimate lives Read more
November 10, 2023

🔮 Nostalgia and populism

Ezgi Elçi From Trump's 'Make America Great Again' to Turkey's Ottoman yearning, Ezgi Elçi explores the potent interplay of nostalgia and populism in shaping global politics. He delves into the captivating nexus of past and present, where leaders promise to resurrect authenticity in an era of uncertainty Read more
July 31, 2023

Crackdown on Pride Walks in Turkey: homophobia and the 2023 elections

Didem Unal Abaday In Turkey, LGBTI+ events and pressures on queer people’s right to assembly face increasing restrictions. This, writes Didem Unal Abaday, will only get worse with democratic decline. In the new parliamentary term after the 2023 elections, democratic backsliding is turning political homophobia into state policy Read more
July 18, 2023

Turkey’s role in the EU’s migration crisis

Stella Gerani The Central Mediterranean is the main migratory route to the EU, with most irregular migrants coming from Syria, Afghanistan and Turkey. Stella Gerani examines the critical role played by Turkey in this migration crisis, and how domestic and foreign policy are driving its approach – and its double standards Read more
July 4, 2023

🔮 How populist parties survive ‘mainstreaming’ once in power

Anca Turcu Populists thrive on being perceived as outsiders. This creates an incentive for mainstream governing populist parties to portray themselves as challengers to the establishment. Anca Turcu examines the tactics Hungary’s and Turkey’s governing populists employ to survive mainstreaming Read more
May 25, 2023

How ErdoÄŸan masterminded electoral victory despite Turkey's economic crisis

ErdoÄŸan Altun In the first round of the Turkish elections on 14 May, the incumbent AKP, led by President ErdoÄŸan, won a narrow victory. This was a crushing blow for the opposition, who had pinned their hopes on Turkey's economic crisis, and crippling inflation, ending ErdoÄŸan's authority. ErdoÄŸan Altun explains how the AKP's electoral campaign, patronage and social assistance were crucial to its success Read more
May 23, 2023

🔮 Populism beyond methodological nationalism

Mari-Liis Jakobson Mari-Liis Jakobson encourages to pay attention to transnationalising populism, which allows populists to gain knowledge and catch voters who often fly under the radar Read more

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